Boomer: Huh... It does look a bit creepy with all this rain.

Brick: Creepy or not, it's better than anything right now.

Brick walked forward.

Boomer: Hey, wait, we're going in there?

Brick stopped.

Butch: You see anywhere else that's better?

Boomer: Uh... No. But why won't we hear what the girls have to say?

The boys turned to the girls.

Blossom: It's a... a... (sneezes) AH-CHOO!

Brick: Let's get inside somewhere before we're all gonna get sick, and I don't see anywhere else than this city. So let's get goin' already.

Brick walked forward, and everyone else followed him. They approached the bridge connecting the city to the mainland.

Bubbles: Hey, they fixed the bridge.

Butch: "Fixed?"

Bubbles: Oh, right. (embarrassed a bit) We, uh, stopped a bunch of criminals stealing from the bank, and we... Destroyed the bridge in the process. Hehe...

Butch: You girls got a lot to talk about with us.

Brick: Let's cross the bridge.

The girls and the boys were crossing the bridge as cars drove by. None of the cars stopped or slowed down. The camera then cuts to the kids walking along the sidewalk in the city.

Butch: Brick, dude, my legs hurt; we've been walkin' for... I don't know how much time anymore. Can't we just go into a house around here and rest?

Brick: Sure, if you want somebody to recognize and sell us out to the cops or the Yakuza.

Buttercup: Well, what? We can't just walk around all day. Blossom is already sick of all this rain, and we're soaking wet.

Blossom: I'm... a... (sneezes) A-CHOO!

Buttercup: Say, how about this house over here?

Brick looked to his left and saw an ominous-looking and run-down apartment building. The camera cut to a dark and empty room; the door slowly creaked open, and the kids peeked through the door. Particularly, there was a broken mirror too.

Brick: This'll do. Come on.

The kids entered the room. The boys sat together on one side, and the girls sat together on the other. The boys looked at the girls, and they at them. There was no response from either side; the only sounds heard were the rain and thunder from outside.

Bubbles: This is, uuuhh... different.

Buttercup: Yeah, let's see: our house burned to the ground, everyone now hates us, the police and probably the Yakuza are hunting us, we have no powers and no food, it's cold, and now we're sittin' in the middle of a dirty dark, dank little room with our biggest nemeses, the Rowdyruff Boys. So yeah, things are REALLY different now...!

The Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy SequelWhere stories live. Discover now