Chapter 1: Mysterious Music Box

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As the young girl walked out of the music school, she could feel a strange presence lingering in the air. She wasn't sure what it was, but she was starting to feel uneasy. As she walked home, she began to wonder if there was something more to these mysterious feelings. When she finally reached her house, she was surprised to find a strange package waiting for her.

When She opened the package, she found a music box inside. She was very excited to play it and didn't even care about how it got into her doorstep.

There was something about the music box that drew the young girl in, its elegant Blue green frame and the beautiful melody it played seemed to enchant her. But there was something else about the box that she couldn't quite put her finger on. As she sat down with the music box in her hands, she began to explore it. She turned the crank and was amazed by the beautiful melody that filled the room. She continued to crank, the melody became more and more intricate, with new parts added to the song. Eventually, she came across a hidden compartment, and inside she found a beautiful crystal shard that glowed in the dark.

She continued to crank and noticed that the melody was changing. It was becoming more and more haunting, with dark undertones creeping into the melody.

This was unlike any music she had heard before, and as it filled the room, it made her feel uneasy. As she turned the crank again, the music box began to make a strange whirring sound. She couldn't make out what it was, but she could feel an energy coming from the box.

The young girl was transfixed by the music, and kept wondering what secrets it was hiding. She knew that something strange was happening, but as she continued to crank, she could feel a tingle in her fingers. Suddenly, the music Stopped, and a mysterious voice rang out from the box.

The voice spoke in a soft, ethereal tone. "You have unlocked my secrets, now you must be tested," it said.

The young girl looked at the box in wonder, a small light began to glow at its center. She watched as it grew brighter and brighter, until it became so bright that she had to look away. When she looked back at the box, she found that it was no longer a normal music box, it was now a beautiful crystal music box.

As she turned the crank again, the melody that played was even more intricate and haunting.

             *The end of chapter 1*

      Hello ♡´・ᴗ・'♡

It seems like the young girl is getting closer to unlocking the mysterious music box's secrets.

What will happen when she finally opens the box?
  Will it lead her to a world of excitement or something even more sinister?

We'll just have to wait and see what happens in Chapter 2.


Hello again, '・ᴗ・', I am so glad you're already here. This is my very first story and I really hope you like it ♡.

I am coming with more chapters

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