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February 13th

Hyunjin, and Felix were in class the two were already in high school they were freshmen at their school. The two had been best friends ever since they were in diapers because their mothers were best friends. "Hey shortie." "Stop calling me that." "Fine wanna go to the comic store today?" "Fine." "Great I will come pick you up then." "Sure Llama." "Which class we got next?" "History." "Oh hey speaking of which uh Valentine's day is tomorrow right.." "Yes?" "Erm you have a Valentine's?" "No." "Phew.." "What was that?" "Oh nothing." "Okay well let's go." "Yeah your right." The two walked into History class sitting in their seats which were right next to each other. "Hey Lix." "Yeah?" "I am bored.." "Stop pouting, and listen the teacher is explaining." Hyunjin was still sulking then suddenly he whispered into Felix's ear. "Fine, but you owe me.." Felix blushed Hyunjin's face was so close to his at that moment. "HYUNJIN, FELIX STAND OUTSIDE." The teacher caught them whispering so the two grabbed all their stuff, and walked out of the room. "This is all your fault." "Lix don't be mad at me.." Felix sighed. "Hyunjinnie please stop pouting." Hyunjin was the one blushing now it had been a while since Felix called him that it was always Drama Llama, tall guy, or just Hyunjin. "What did you just call me?" "I am not repeating it.." "C'mon Lix!" "No." Hyunjin grabbed Felix's hand. "Hurry the bell is about to ring, and they have your favorite today!" Felix was surprised Hyunjin knew his favorite lunch meal since he never spoke about it. "How did you know this was my favorite?" "Well whenever it is for lunch your eyes light up." "Oh.." The two got a tray, then went to sit down.

"Here eat up!" Hyunjin was smiling at Felix so warmly. The two were always together, hanging out together, eating together, smiling at each other. "Ehem Hyunjin.." "Oh hey Eun-Ji." "I wanted to ask you t-to be.." "To be?" "MY VALENTINE!" "Oh Eun-Ji I am already going to ask someone.." "Oh uh no worries.." Eun-Ji ran off crying. "Ehem so who is the special person?" "You will find out tomorrow." "Okay then.." Felix was upset he liked Hyunjin, but he already has someone in mind. "What about you?" "You asked already?" "Right." Hyunjin was glad Felix didn't have a Valentine's, but for some reason it seemed as if Felix wasn't as happy as him. "Hyunjin let's go." "Where?" "You said you needed to go to the comic store." "Oh yeah let's go!" Hyunjin wrapped his arm around Felix the two friends walked to the nearby comic store. "Hyunjin this comic?" "No." "This one?" "Nah." "I give up." Hyunjin just laughed. "Why are you in such a rush for shortie?" "I have to prepare something." "Oh?" "You have a valentine's aren't you supposed to be getting that ready?" "Dang it I forgot!" "Quickly let's go back!" The two ran out of the store all the way back home. "Alright well I will see you tomorrow." "Yeah uh see you." 

Hyunjin ran to his room starting to get a banner out from under his bed. When he unfolded it read. 'BE MY VALENTINE'S FELIX!' Hyunjin was excited to give Felix flowers, chocolate, and his love that is if he accepted Hyunjin. While with Felix he was also preparing flowers, chocolate, and a letter telling Hyunjin about his feeling. They stayed up all night preparing, but eventually fell asleep. 

February 14th

It was the big day for the two. "Hyunjin!" "Felix!" They called out for each other. "I have something to ask you." "Me too." "Together?" "Sure." "WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE!" The two shouted at each other shocked that they both asked the same question. "YES!" They answered together again laughing this time. "So I was your person?" "Yep" "Then will you allow the person to kiss you?" "Do birds fly?" Felix fell into Hyunjin's arms wrapping his around Hyunjin's neck, giving Hyunjin a little peck on the lips. "I love you." "I love you too."

Future February 14th

"Hello love." "Hi baby." Hyunjin came, and hugged Felix tightly. "I have to make a meal now so hold on okay." "Wait Lix.." "Yes?" Felix was in shock as Hyunjin got onto one knee with a ring." "Will you be my Valentine, and husband?" "Yes!" Felix fell into Hyunjin's arms wrapping his around his neck, giving Hyunjin a loving kiss on his lips. While Cupid was watching from above knowing they made the right choice of letting that arrow go.

(Message from author) Heyyy happy Valentine's Day here is some chocolate!🍫 Oh and of course your flowers. 💐 I hope you guys enjoyed this tiny story, I know it didn't really match it's name, but who cares? Right. Lol anyways LUV YOU GUYS! And as always, Eat, and Sleep well^^

Word Count: 814 Words <3

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