Caraxes suddenly roughly turned his head to the right and growled. Causing both Daemon and Daenys to stiffen, Daemon immediately pulled her back before the two noticed the growl hadn't been towards her.

The dragon started hissing toward the staircase of the dragonpit. Glancing his way, they saw one of the dragonkeepers sneaking away. He send them a suspicious glare but his eyes widened the second he met Daenys' eyes and recognised her.

Deanys felt her heartbeat going faster. The dragonkeeper started hurrying out of the dragonpit. Running towards the streets that let to the Red Keep. Perhaps to warn the King and the lord Hand of her being on the verge of leaving with the Rogue Prince.
Daenys send an alarmed glance at Daemon, only to find him gone. Leaving her alone with Caraxes.

In the few seconds that followed, the Gold Gloaks had grabbed the poor old dragonkeeper and forced him to his knees as the Rogue Prince forcefully grabbed the man by his chin. Daenys could not hear the words the two spoke to one another. But the Dragonkeeper occasionally glanced her way before spatting something back at Daemon. Whatever the two had spoken off next Daenys would never know. Within the next few seconds, the keeper started screaming for mercy as the Gold Gloaks dragged him away over the ground.

Daenys could even hear the old man crying out her name, begging her to intervene, to save him, but she stood rooted to the ground where she was as Caraxes loomed over her. Letting out a sharp breath as he nudged her back toward his saddle.

Daenys followed the dragonkeeper with her eyes until he was out of sight. Then she found prince Daemon standing next to her. He too nodded towards his dragon's saddle. "Time to go." He spoke gruffly and grabbed her arm to guide her toward Caraxes.

Daenys send him a questioning glare. "What is to become of that man?" She asked. Daemon simply lifted a brow and shrugged. "You'll find out soon enough." He answered.


"hae nyke vestragon, remember?" The prince of the city reminded her as he helped her get on Caraxes. Then he mounted his dragon as well, sitting in front of her.

Daenys spoke no word as the only thing that got her attention was Caraxes underneath them. This was her first time riding a dragon. At first, she felt little unease when the dragon started moving through the dragonpit.

But when the Blood Wyrm spread his wings and took off roughly she instinctually grabbed onto the prince in front of her. "O gods.." she murmured.

She could see Daemon chuckle slightly before he turned his head toward her. "Put your cape back on." He instructed her as Caraxes was about to cross the Red Keep. "Rather them thinking i'm taking a comon whore with me than them seeing a Targaryen Princess who was supposed to become the Hightowers whore."

Daenys send him a sharp look at his words but did as she was told and hid her silver locks underneath her cape again. "Don't call me that." She snapped softly at him. She had noticed he had been angry since the moment she met him at the stairs of the Red Keep. But she would not tolerate him using his anger on her.

Daemon simply rolled his eyes before looking on again. "Those last words were not my own." He simply spoke. "You could thank your betrothed for that."

Daenys opened her mouth to respond to that but almost let out a shriek as the bells of the Red Keep started to rang. They had been flying past the Red Keep. Had they been noticed? Or perhaps they had found out about her absence? But the second the bells rang again she could feel Daemon tense angrily. To which Caraxes let out a hiss.
Causing her to wonder what was actually going on.

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