"Oh Alfie, thank goodness," Poppy whispered, relief evident in her voice, "They've been arguing about this Fwooper business since the beginning of class, and it's going nowhere." She grabbed Alfie's arm, urging him to move away from the squabbling boys.

Garreth's eyebrow shot up in intrigue, and he flashed a mischievous grin. "Well, well, well. Poppy, I thought that you -"

"Shut it, Garreth. We need to get started on our project," Alfie interjected, his tone firm as he forcefully turned around, walking away swiftly.

"Shit. Word does travel fast around Hogwarts," he muttered quietly under his breath.

"What's that?" Poppy asked, perplexed.

"It's nothing," Alfie dismissed. He looked down at Poppy, who still held onto his right arm securely. Butterflies instantly fluttered in his stomach as she smiled up at him, her hazel eyes meeting his, her fair skin glistening in the morning sun, and her dark hair contouring the delicate shape of her face.

His cheeks flushed white hot, and he averted his gaze, hoping she wouldn't catch him blushing.

"I was getting worried you weren't going to show up," Poppy said solemnly as she removed her hand from his arm and walked a few paces ahead of him.

"I lost track of time, I guess. Professor Howin made sure to give me an earful," he replied.

"I saw you earlier… chasing after Adelaide in the Great Hall. What was that about?" She asked, her tone curious but somber.

Alfie sighed, carefully considering his response to avoid revealing too much information. "She was upset with Sebastian, and he asked me to speak with her on his behalf," he explained, aware that rumors were spreading quickly and hoping to delay Poppy's awareness of the gossip.

A wave of guilt washed over him as he realized his role in allowing Adelaide's assumption to spread. He knew that if Poppy discovered he was involved in the rumor, it could severely impact their friendship.

"Adelaide is absolutely crazy about that boy. I hear her talking about him all the time in the common room. She'll get over it," Poppy said, abruptly pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, right. Yeah, I'm sure they'll be fine," he responded, trying to sound casual while his heart was still heavy with worry.

There was an uncomfortable silence that followed. Alfie noticed that they were walking down the path where Poppy first introduced Alfie to Highwing.

"So, have you given Project Highwing much thought?" Alfie inquired, breaking the awkward silence that had settled between them.

Poppy turned to him, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Of course, that's where I'm taking you. Follow me."

She led him towards the familiar meadow and positioned herself in the center. "You can summon Highwing now."

Alfie nodded and reached into his nabsack to call forth the majestic creature.

Highwing assessed her surroundings, realizing she was beyond the Vivarium, and let out a joyful squawk.

Poppy chuckled, leaning in to nuzzle Highwing's beak. "Hello, friend. It's so good to see you."

Highwing responded with flapping wings, seemingly expressing her agreement.

The Badger and the Snakes || A Poppy Sweeting Love StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu