🎵Raven Headcanons

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• She would absolutely call you goth inspired nicknames like little bat, baby buggy, lil spider, and beastie!

• Takes you to Maddy (Madeline) for tea parties!

• Not the biggest on cuddles but will let you lay your head in her lap while she reads you a story or while you play video games.

• Tries to cast cute spells to entertain you but they normally backfire in the silliest of ways and give the both of you a good laugh.

• Sings lullabies and plays on her guitar to lull you to sleep.

• Takes you on walks with Nevermore! You get to ride on her back and sometimes even fly if you're lucky!

• Makes you little items! Whether it's decoing pacis, sewing new stuffies, or making little bed just for you, she can do it all!

• She most definitely has a little corner set up for you in her dorm complete with plenty of fuzzy blankets and pillows and all the things she's made for you!

• She is always so proud of everything you do and really likes to encourage your creative side! There's a whole wall near her bed dedicated to artwork you make her and she makes sure to show every single one of them off to Maddy.

• Makes sure you always take care of yourself, even when its hard.

• She is really good at handling panic attacks and meltdowns and has a whole routine in place to care for you during the aftermath.

• Loves putting Ruby Gloom on the little TV she has set up in your little corner for you.

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