𝟏𝟔 | 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 & 𝐋/𝐍 𝐘/𝐍

Start from the beginning

"So this power can only be protected from Mahito's attacks?" 

"Yes, now we need everyone to go to their stationed location to defeat these curses tonight." 

It was decided that only you and Gojo would go to the area where there were curses and the others will stand by as backup. 

"Let's go, Y/N," You then teleported yourself and Gojo to the location seeing people screaming.

"This is going to be a mess..." 

"There you are!" The volcano's head pointed at you in anger. 

"What did I do?" 

"You killed our comrade!" 

"Oh, the stick-eyes?" You asked making the curse fume. 

"Look at you all ready to go!" Gojo yelled. "No excuses if you lose this time, okay?" 

"Don't worry about us. Just be sure to have your first-ever excuse ready!" 

There were 3 curses ready for you guys, honestly, who do they think they were? 3 curses were nothing compared to the top 2 sorcerers in the world. 

"I see the anxiety of you guys thinking I'm going to run away with Satoru, but I can assure you that will not happen. If we do that you guys will just end up killing the civilians. By the way, Choso, why are you teaming up with those idiots?" 


"It's alright, Choso. Just don't do something you'll regret," You offered him a smile as he looked at you with guilt. "Blessed Technique: Sacred Barrier." 

You activated your technique that covered the entire people that they were trying to use as hostages. 

Right when you did this, volcano-head and this reaper-looking-curse attacked Gojo at the same time, "Y/N, I'll take the volcano-head and that half-curse and you can fight the reaper one." 

It was a good plan, out of the three of them, that one seemed the most problematic than the rest. 

"Alright! Hey, you-" Without giving you time to speak, it attacked you using a scythe. "That scythe..." 

You immediately recognized that the weapon was made from the essence of death itself. Even a single strike will be sure to inflict a fatal injury to even someone like yourself... 

You kept dodging its attack to analyze this curse's strength. 

While this was going on Gojo was starting to get serious, "I'm surprised you thought you could beat me with your sorry excuse for a brain. Hey, volcano head, this is our second meeting and you still haven't learned! You're going down first!" This made them terrified, preventing them from moving at all, "Come on, what's wrong? Weren't you the one who told me to not run away?" 

Gojo then started beating volcano-head to a pulp as you kept dodging the reaper's attack.

Your Celestial Guidance wasn't working and you were sure a few strikes to your Sacred Barrier would mean death for the people inside your barrier. 

'I can't do anything. I can't attack this thing because it can always just start hunting down civilians as hostages. The only thing I can be doing is wait until Satoru finishes with those two so I can focus solely on the civilians and he can finish it off.' 

Back with Gojo, Jogo threw humans at him with you immediately creating a shield for them, "CHOSO!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T HELP!!!" 

However, he refused to lend him a hand as he knew he would surely only die in vain. 

Just then Mahito and his Transfigured Humans appeared and started banging on the barrier so it could break. 

"What are they thinking?" Gojo wondered. 

"I have no idea, but I think they want us to lose our rationality, Satoru!" 

"What is the chance of your barrier-breaking?" 

"Honestly right now, very likely. All of my techniques heavily depend on my ability to stay calm but now all these people screaming and yelling asking me to let them go... I don't think we can keep this much longer." 

"Jogo~ The air smells great here~ It's full of fear. We should really leave a few humans alive although her barrier is preventing us from doing much damage. No matter, we should release them in a forest and hunt them on the weekends." 

As soon as Mahito said that he went to attack Gojo trying to punch him in the face only for his infinity to block it, "Ha ha! I really can't hit you!!! Let me share one thing I find so disgusting about humans... there are so many of them." 

The whole scene right now was more than chaotic. Half of the Transfigured Humans are trying to break your barrier while the other half attacked you and Gojo. 

You were contemplating whether or not you should release your domain because if you do, the people will surely become in greater threat as your barrier will be sure to weaken and you couldn't bring all the Transfigured Humans into your domain. 

You had to make a decision quickly. 

Just then a small box was placed in front of both you and Gojo, "Prison Realm and Death Sentence open." 

"Death Sentence?" 

"Gate open," Your eyes were met with a reflection of you who was dead. "Yo! Satoru and Y/N!" 

It was Geto Suguru. 

"Huh?" Gojo said. 

"It's been a while," The imposter spoke. 

"Satoru he's not Suguru! He's a liar-" As you tried to warn him they already got him... "No..." 


"C'mon now, Satoru. Are you letting your mind wander during a fight? Even though your beloved is right beside you?" 

"Who are you?" 

"Geto Suguru, of course. Did you forget? How sad." 

"My Six Eyes tells me you're him but my soul knows otherwise! Hurry up and answer!! Who the hell are you?!" 

The imposter then took his head off making your eyes widen, "How did you both know? It's a cursed technique that allows me to hop between bodies by switching brains. Of course, it lets me use the innate techniques within the body as well. I coveted his cursed manipulation and these exact circumstances. You two didn't have Ieiri Shoko get rid of his body, did you? You guys are only considerate during such awkward moments. Thanks to that, I was able to obtain this body without much trouble. But don't worry. The seal will be over soon enough, Gojo. In a hundred... no, maybe a thousand years. You know, you two are just too strong so I'm having him sealed while you will rest for an eternity." 

"Y/N!!!" Satoru called out to you. 

"Satoru that won't happen. I'll get back on my feet soon, I promise. I'll see you soon, alright?" You smiled at him before the reaper sliced you with its scythe as the cursed object began to release negative energy on you.  






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