Losing your balance

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The Blunts were magnanimous with their daughter. They allowed her almost anything. Janet Blunt was very rich, popular, very beautiful.
There was gossip that she had a crush on Nate, which is why she had invited everyone his friends to have the pleasure of being close to him. Being invited by Janet Blunt was a sign of recognition at school. Something you could almost hang on your jacket.
Nate didn't care much but he loved going to parties, and this fact that he didn't give her a look for Janet was a reason to compete. She wanted him and she would have him
Nate and Samuel looked around, some of them were busy drinking beer in a corner, others dancing. Others to make a mess. A party perfectly in line with expectations.
"Hei Nate" Janet gave him an almost becking smile and A kiss on the cheek
"Hei Janet" he just smiled.
She had to admit that she was really a hot girl and the idea that she was available should have made him take the leap but Nate already had a busy heart and mind and it was like he couldn't see anything else and the worst part is that he couldn't even say it.
"I don't even know why I'm here," Nate said to Sam When Janet walked away
"Because it's a party," Samuel replied, "and at parties we never say no."
Samuel put his arm around his shoulders and gave him a big smile "maybe we'll have a beer later"
"Of course not... I promised your parents to babysit you"
"Ah ah" replied Samuel caustic "fun"
Nate knew that the only thing Samuel wanted was to be able to see Blanca and be able to talk to her a little without the cumbersome presence of his parents, and Blanca's.
They looked at Emma not far away, she raised her arm to greet them and Sammy and Nate took their breath away when they also saw Blanca near Emma. She was wearing a short black dress. Black long straight hair.
She was back.
Blanca looked down avoiding visual contact with Sammy who immediately realised that something was different in the girl's eyes.
They exchanged a kiss on the cheek and a few words.
Blanca avoided looking him in the eye. She had taken Emma under her arm and walked around with her flying around.
Then Sammy stopped her by the arm.
"Can I talk to you?"
Emma swallowed hard for the strange situation, Nate did the same. Blanca surrendered, she couldn't have avoided him forever.
'Shall we go outside?'
Blanca nodded her head.
Nate and Emma were left alone in the middle of the noise of that party.
"Talk to me, Blanca," Samuel asked her as soon as they were out and alone.
She smiled, trying to swallow the tears.
"I don't know what you want to hear me say"
He took her by the arms.
"Tell me we are exactly where we were"
Blanca avoided the answer. She kept her head down.
Then suddenly she took courage. SHe gently took his hands off his arms.
"No, we're not where we were anymore" her gaze was harsh, rigourous.
"What do you mean?"
"That was a huge mistake"
'That's not true'
"Yes instead, a huge mistake that changed everything between us"
"Your father brainwashed you"
"Why you're not able to believe that I can think with my head."
"Because we're in love and you know it" Samuel grabbed her back by the arms trying to shake her.
Blanca wriggled.
"I've had time to reflect. We're not in love, I'm not in love with you" this time she looked him straight in the eye and it was the first real deep pain for Sammy. She seemed to be telling the truth.
"And I think you have to move on like I did," she added.
"I can't believe what you're saying"
"Well you'll have to believe it and now let me go"
Blanca finally swayed away from Samuel under the watchful eyes of Nate and Emma while Samuel stood outside.
Emma looked at Nate briefly "I think you have to go to him, I'm going to look for Blanca"
"Yeah "Nate sighed.
When he turned around Sammy had already disappeared in the crowd of festive teenagers.
"Hei Nate" Janet had taken him by the arm "do you want to dance?"
"Not now Janet," he replied as she tried to keep him closer to him by totally resting her body.
"I don't understand why you turn me down what's wrong with me?"
Nate stared at her for a moment "you have nothing wrong, I really mean, but I need to look for Samuel"
"And when are you going to tell him you're in love with Blanca?" She whispered to him, leaning her lips against his ear.
Nate was shocked, was it so obvious? Did everyone know?
Nate regained control leaned on Janet's ear "you're drunk and you don't know what you're saying"
Janet gave him a mischievous smile "the words of a drunk are the thoughts of a sober person"
Nate stared at her again, then did what she didn't want to do and did it in front of everyone, forgot Samuel, Blanca, took Janet and angrily kissed her almost biting her, so much as a general the cheering of the others present.
He felt sorry for Nate alone but the pressure made his brain pulsate.
When he broke the kiss he looked her straight in the eye "I have to go look for Samuel" he said.
Emma was wandering fast in the middle of all those, Blanca seemed evaporated, damn Blanca but where did you go.
Then she saw him at the edge of the pool, with an empty look and a glass in his hand. He knew exactly that feeling .
He saw Sammy quickly drinking from the glass and throwing it into the water and then approached him.
"What are you doing?" She asked him holding him by the arm and trying to stop him.
"I drink," Sammy replied.
"I see it, damn Sammy"
"Ah please Emma don't preach to me too"
Emma stopped for a moment. She took off her shoes and dipped her bare legs into the pool like was him.
'I don't Know who are you anymore,' she told him, staring at his profile, 'you've totally lost your mind.'
"Yeah," he chuckled.
"You're not even the shadow of the guy I know"
Emma still had her eyes on him.
After all, she was angry, because he couldn't love her like that. She wouldn't let him go.
The thoughts thinned and she realised that Samuel was also looking at her in a way she had never looked at her.
"I don't feel well Emma, I think you have to call Nate."
Samuel ran up and went to vomit behind the bush... he was barely standing. He fell to the ground.
"Oh God" .
Emma got up quickly, she didn't want to leave Samuel alone, but she had to find Nate. And she had to find it right away.
Nate was upstairs, in Samuel's place he had found Blanca, sitting in an armchair with her hands on her face.
"Blanca?" Nate just called her.
She looked up, Nate's sight made her cry even louder.
"What's going on with you?" He told her by sitting next to her and putting an arm around her shoulders.
"I would like things to go back, as before"
Nate knew exactly what she was referring to.
"I don't want to live with the idea of my family all against us, my angry father, I had to do something you know?"
Nate squeezed her, closed his eyes as soon as her head leaned against his chest.
"I feel you," he whispered.
At that moment they realised Emma's gaze on them.
It was weird, Very slow seconds. Emma warned something and was able to give It a name as well.
"Nate, you have to come downstairs Samuel is not well"
Then she ran away followed by Nate and Blanca.
They find Samuel lying in the garden. He had vomited.
Nate and Sean approached.
"We have to get him out of here," Nate said under Blanca and Emma's frightened eyes.
They tried to lift Sam and take him to the car.
"What the hell did you drink?" Sean asked him.
They dragged him to the car trying to make him sit.
"We have to call his father," Emma said.
"No," Nat replied.
"And what do you want to do, he needs help"
Emma was very hard in the look. She was worried about Samuel.
She stared hard Blanca as well, it's all your fault she thought. Emma knew she was getting unreasonable and was jealous.
Brandon was in his studio, he was working on something big on his laptop.
Kelly showed up at the door. The robe wrapped around her body.
"Are you done?" SHe asked him.
He looked up at her, the glasses still reflecting what he was working on.
Grace is sleeping?' He asked her , raising his eyebrow.
She nodded approaching him and standing between Brandon and the desk.
Brandon took her by the hips and placed her right in the centre opening her robe and uncovering her naked body.
"Samuel won't be back for an hour" He sighed while already his lips were on her body and working on her bare Breast .
Brandon's cell phone began to vibrate.
"Don't answer," Kelly said, taken with pleasure and keeping her eyes closed.
Brandon touched the phone that immediately slide to vibrate.
Kelly began to unbutton his pants, the phone began to vibrate again. Brandon opened his eyes and saw Nate's name light up on the screen..
He grabbed the phone.
Brandon drove fast to the Emergency, where Dylan was catching up with him, and where he had ordered Nate to take Samuel immediately. He parked in the short stop, just as Nate was trying to get Samuel out of the car.
"What the hell happened?" Brandon asked and they look at his sleeping son on the seat.
"He drank, I don't know ..." Nate was scared.
"And where were you?" Brandon turned to him in an angry way.
"Hey," Dylan interrupted, "It's not his fault."
The doctors let Sam in, gave him an IV, and let Brandon in a little later.
Dylan looked down at that moment.
"The guys went home... it got late"
Brandon nodded without looking at him.
Dylan put a brotherly hand on his shoulder.
"Nate said he had a fight with Blanca and drank"
"Great..." sighed Brandon "where is Brenda?"
"At home with the twins, Kelly?"
"Grace slept she couldn't leave her alone, I had a hard time convincing her. In fact, now I have to call her."
"What did the doctors say?"
"That over this drip should wake up sober and they will discharge him"
"Go to call Kelly, i'll stay with him"
Brandon got up and gave way to Dylan.
"Brandon? Maybe it's nothing, maybe it was a moment," Dylan said without really believing it.
Brandon's face was a mask of disappointment. Samuel had never given him big problems, and now he felt like he had a huge one in his hands and wasn't able to handle it. The one lying on the bed was his son, who had risked ethyl coma, who had a problem.
"We're going to do anything to keep It just a moment because you know how dangerous it is, you know Dylan."
Dylan and Brandon exchanged a look of understanding and then Brandon walked out of the room.
Dylan looked back at Sammy.
It was like seeing himself but in Brandon's physiognomy.
Life had shuffled the cards.
Is anyone reading this story?

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