Chapter 7: You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison

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It was Monday and I hadn't slept all night because I couldn't stop thinking about what I did to Frank, how can I expect him to forgive me? He never will and I don't blame him, I killed his girlfriend, it's my fault. I was sitting at my desk thinking when Frank walked in and sat in the seat in front of me and I looked down at my desk, I couldn't look at him, I felt so bad. "Hey, Gerard what's up?" I kept my head down and muttered 

"I can't do this after knowing what I did, I can't replace the girl I killed" 

"I shouldn't have told you Gerard, it would have been better if you didn't know but I couldn't keep a secret that big from you because you couldn't remember" 

"I know I just can't replace her Frank, I don't know why you love me but it's not good that you do, I'm a murder" I looked up at him "I shouldn't be here, I should be in prison" 

"Hey, don't say that, yes she died because of you but she didn't need to, I told you I tried to save her but she wouldn't listen"

"Yes but Frank it was me who made her do that, you can't say that it wasn't unless there was another reason she did it but I'm sure there wasn't" 

The teacher came into the room and everyone stopped talking and looked at her. "Gerard, Mr Williams would like to see you" I looked up and got my stuff and went to see the head teacher.

"So, Mr Way, how have you been?" I looked at him

"Um, I've been okay sir" I sat down in one of the seats in front of his desk 

"Well Gerard, I need to talk to you about Hannah" I looked at him 

"Um who's Hannah?" 

"Hannah is the girl that died before your coma" I felt my heart drop and I looked at him 

"The girl who killed herself because of me right?" I spoke quietly and looked down 

"Yes she is, what do you remember from it?  I was told you had lost a lot of memory" I nodded my head 

"I have, I was told last night about what happened, I don't know what to say, I hate myself for it"

"Well, we couldn't do anything about what you did before the coma because we had to go though a lot but over the year that you were in the coma we got it all done, and of course we only have one thing left to do" I  looked up at him 

"What do you mean sir?" 

"We only have the court trial, everything else is done, Hannahs parents wanted to do something about her death and they knew why she did it, they want to take you to court Gerard" my heart started to beat faster 

"I deserve it" 

that's when I realized I was about to lose it all, my family, Frank, my dreams and my life. I was going to go to prison, I was going to be stuck in a cell with maybe a murder as a cell mate, my life was over, I couldn't do anything about it, I killed the girl and I can't take that back, I can't go back in time and stop myself from doing what I did everything was burned down at that moment and I just sat there staring at Mr Williams thinking about everything that was happening I got barely over a whisper out "When is the trial?" 

"it's on Saturday Mr Way, I wish there was another way but they wanted it this way" I nodded my head and sat in silence. 

After that I didn't bother going to my lessons I went home and stayed in my room, I was in my room for three days before I heard a knock on my door "Gerard come out of there, you've been in there for three days, you have to eat" I couldn't move, I was too scared I know I deserved what was happening but I didn't want it to I looked at my door as it opened and Mikey, Ray and Frank all came in "Gerard this isn't good for you, why aren't you coming out?" I still couldn't talk over a whisper 

"I did so many bad things" 

"What do you mean Gerard?"

"I'm going to prison"

"Why are you going there?"

"Because I killed a girl"

"Hannah?" I nodded and they all looked at me 

"Gerard, it wasn't you who killed her" I looked at Ray

"What do you mean, of course I did, I bullied her enough to lead her to her death" 

"Gerard it wasn't you" Frank and I looked at Ray 

"It wasn't Gerard?" Frank looked at me 

"No, it was Ben, Ben told her to do it, he said if she didn't everything would get worse" 

"How do you know that?" Mikey asked I forgot he was there 

"Because she told me, she said to never tell anyone for it would be Frank next, She did it to save Frank from Ben she thought that if she did it Ben would stop hurting Frank because that's what he said, I told her he wouldn't but she didn't listen" 

"Well we can't let Gerard go to prison for something Ben did" 

"But we don't have proof" I looked at them 

"No but we have Hannah's phone where he sent the text" 

"How do you have her phone?" 

"I'm good friends with the family and I can get it and show them it wan't you"

"Why did you never do this while I was in the coma?" 

"Because I didn't think they were doing anything about it" 

"Okay, can you get the phone and show them the text?" Ray nodded 

"I'll show them" 

"I always knew it wasn't you Gerard but I never had anything else to believe it wasn't" Frank smiled.

I felt a huge wight lifted off my shoulders and I sighed they all left and I stayed in my room. If I was Bens 'best friend' then why did he do this? Why did he blame it on me? What did I do? 

The World Is Ugly But You're Beautiful To Me: Frerard/My Chemical Romance fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz