Question of the Day! (7/19/2023)

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What's the weirdest dream/nightmare ya'll had? Send as many as yall like in the comments!

1) I dreamt about being in a Royale High like school and I was in the locker room. The locker room was HUGE and easy to get lost in or forget where your locker is (hint hint). I was walking around the room, looking for my locker. Once I found my locker (the locker looked like an arcade machine but a soft pink and yellow), I opened it but before I could do start doing anything with it, a random staff member walked up to me and gave a lovely blue sweater. idk why lol. Then they disappeared Infront of me. it was weird. anyways, changed into my blue sweater and black shorts. apparently "we're not suppose to wear any foot wear. If we did, we would we executed" according to the principal. I didn't like the rule but didn't say anything.

After I changed I went to the restroom, but of course its on something. Toilets casually defying gravity, sinks upside down, among us-looking trash can, *tears*. As I drying my hands, I leave the restroom to see the lockers walking to different areas. I was given a new locker, my stuff still inside my old one. I run around the room looking for my old locker. It felt like HOURS 'til I found it. I opened it, grabbed my stuff and closed it in one swift move. Next up: Looking for my new locker...


fast forward and I found it but before I could even open my locker, I was suddenly teleported to a classroom. It looked like it could be math, science or history. I was in a first-person perspective this time. The classroom was REALLY small, could possibly fit 6 people but it was only 4 of us (all excluding the teacher). The classroom was dark with a blue tint to it. Everyone (Including  Animesimp777  ( it wouldn't let me tag her but I was sitting next to her)) was NPCs. The teacher and some other students were yelling and throwing stuff at each other while  Animesimp777  looked happily. I sat in a shorter chair, so I appeared shorter than her. We looked at each other. She smiled at me with  dark, soulless eyes and started waving at me. But then it ended.

2) Me and some familiar faces were walking around a neighborhood. One kid got a handful of water through thin air and threw it at the sky but there was so much water, it started to rain. We ran through the rain,  screaming in the process until I teleported to another scene.

We were still walking around until we saw a small bear in someone's backyard, climbing the fence. We were saying something but I didn't understand what they said unfortunately. Once the bear successfully got over the fence, it got on a bike and started chasing us. We ran for lives, everyone screaming. As I ran I found a bike that looks like my irl bike but old and rusted, conveniently leaning against a brick wall. I decided to get on it, hoping it still works. The miracle came true and it works like a brand-new bike. What's better, I can actually ride a bike (I can't ride an irl bike). I rode it, going as fast as I can. I looked behind me, seeing no-one but the adorable bear still chasing me.

I was teleported to another scene but this time, the bear wasn't chasing me, it was nowhere to be seen. I look behind me, the people from before and a unfamiliar person, looks like someone's mom, siting in the diver seat, the others in the slightly dark, dull greyish-blue van. I was on the right side of the van, facing right. Infront of me was the back of someone's  not-too-short but small house(?) with a balcony that had my books and other stuff that was from my last dream, somehow, but under it was a hill. On that hill, next to the balcony stood...

the bear

great, just great

I  guess I wasn't nowhere to be found Afterall. It started throwing unknown stuff at me. I looked up and started throwing unknown stuff back at it. I turned around and told everyone the the bear was throwing stuff at me. They looked as I pick something up and threw it at the bear. The bear started crying and being "innocent". I looked back at the people and they Ignored me. This angered me and I turned around, running to the hill. I didn't care if the bear suddenly disappeared. before I could make to the balcony, the dream end. I had woke up.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day/noon/night! ♥️

Total words: 793

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