Chapter Seven: Woe to Thy Tragedies

Start from the beginning

His father approached the piano, a man staring at the young boy with slightly perverted intentions. "Quite a good boy you have."

"I raised him right. He's an amazing pianist. He's going to become a professional one day. Give him a request! You'll take a request from Mr. Spencer won't you, son?" The young boy nodded coyly, throat drying up. One of his father's works founders. Standing right before his eyes, causing him nothing except for anxiety.

"Can he play Moonlight Sonata? It's my favorite."

"Can he? That's his best song!" His father's tone made him smile, finishing the song he was one and beginning the song carefully. Spencer's eyes lightened up as he watched the younger male play the song beautifully.

"Your son has quite a talent, but I've got a business proposition for you." And with that he wrapped his arm around his father's shoulders and walked off with him into a large crowd of people. His eyes returned to his hands, continuing the song as several couples danced together happily and laughing joyously. His gaze lifted slightly to see his mother and younger sister approaching. She had a frown on her face as she looked around. Fixing her dress as she gently cupped her son's face in her hands.

"Where's your father?"

"Over there, momma. But why?"

"I need you to take your sister to bed, she's not feeling well." She spoke, gently nudging him off of the bench. He gingerly took his sister by her arm and led her towards the stairs leading to their shared room.

"Bubby?" Her tiny voice asked, shifting the rabbit she clutched in her left arm. It was nearly bigger than she was and in disrepair. It was her favorite toy and she could not go anywhere without it.

"Yes?" He asked, turning his head. "What is it?" He gently picked her up and laid her on the bed, pulling her covers over herself and the stuffed rabbit.

"Why is momma mad?"

"She's mad? At who?"


"I'm sure it's nothing serious. Now get some rest. You'll feel better in the morning." His voice was sweet. He turned and approached the door, hand on the light switch.

"Wait!" He paused and turned his body to his sister, hand still on the switch. "I'm scared. Can you read me a bedtime story?"

"A bedtime story? Aren't we getting a bit old for those?" He smiled at her little pout and walked to the bookshelf. "What do you want me to read tonight?"

"The one about the fish and a graveyard witch!"

"The Village of Shadows?"


"I've read that one five nights in a row, pick something new. I could tell you that one by heart."

"Hm." Her little emerald green eyes softened as she thought deeply for her answer.

"Better think fast or the scary monsters will crawl out of the closet!" He jokingly said, inching closer. "And they'll..." She suddenly leapt towards her and began tickling her sides, the little one letting out a shrill giggle. "Get you!"

This carried on for a few minutes before he stopped, letting her catch her breath. "Tell me a story about mama and papa!"

"You want one about them?" He sat on the end of the bed, smiling as she nodded quickly. "Alright. Tis a long and boring tale." He began, hearing her giggling softly. "One day our mother was tending to her garden, looking at all of the roses. She saw her white rose bush has suddenly created a black rose. But this was no ordinary black rose. It was special. It gave the people who held it special powers, more than anyone in the world should have. But it ate them. So our mother took this rose and brought it to a hidden cave, where she buried deep into the dirt. Then returned home."

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