Part 15

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Arnav was looking at Khushi from the small window standing at the hospital corridor.. Khushi is laying down in the hospital bed pale and lifeless..

Arnav was feeling his life will come out of him if anything happened to her..His chest was burning with the fear of losing her.. His eyes were red and he was feeling numb seeing her like this..He was continuously gulping and praying for her quick recovery..

When Arnav reached Khushi's home few hours ago,he was angry and extremely upset though an unknown fear was consuming him, he didn't thought of seeing her like this..

When he knocked at her door few times but no response, he again called her phone and this time someone picked it up who informed him Khushi fall down from the stairs this morning and one of her neighbor called 911..Currently she is admitted in a hospital..Taking all the information from the nurse who picked up the call he rushed there..

He didn't know how severely she got hurt before coming here..Her feet was bruised and she had a fractured on her forehead..She was unconscious for hours..

'Hi, I am Mathew the resident dr...are you related to the patient??'.. Arnav's trance broke when a dr. called him..

'I am her is she doing?? Is she okay?? Why is she still senseless' He asked with distress..

'She is not senseless, she gain her consciousness as soon as she reached the hospital but she got very hysterical seeing herself here, that's why we gave her sleeping medication..'

Arnav was feeling his heart will stop pumping any minute hearing all this..He was feeling like to cage her in his protective cocoon so that no harm can touch her ever.. He always knew he loves her, want her but seeing her like this he was feeling the depth of his love..He was feeling his breath will stop if her breathing stopped..

'Can I talk to you in my cabin for a moment, please??'

'Sure..' Arnav followed the dr. till his room..'Please have a seat..' Arnav sat In front of him obeying his commands..

'Will you please tell me, what's going on?? Why was she hysterical?? When will she open her eyes..what actually happened to her??' Arnav again asked his worries,this time little furiously..

'Relax Gentle man..take a deep breath..' Dr. said with a smile..

Arnav stayed quiet for a moment and then again said,' please dr..I request you, do something..'

'We are doing our best..I actually need patient's information like medical records, health insurance and stuff..'

Arnav nodded and hesitantly said,'I actually don't have any of this information..'

'Okk..she got hurt in the head while climbing the stairs, did you happen to be with her at that time??'

Arnav shook his head negatively and dr. said..'I really need to know her medical history because her symptoms indicating she has a panic disorder..I think she had a major panic attack before slipping from the stairs..Again she was very upset seeing herself in hospital..'

Arnav looked at the dr. sadly..He kind of knew she has panic issues, he saw her reacting out of proportion seeing his pet dog, also she was very distressed when he saw her in the restaurant in Tempa, plus Druhv also mentioned it once..Did he caused her panic attack this time by almost forcing her to go to Michigan, she told him that she lost her mother there but still, it's very weird to behave like this for this reason..He also lost his parents via plane crash, did he stop using air plane?? No.. He understands her fear's of driving due to her mother's death but why so much fear to go to's a mystery to him!!!

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