06. Actions Have Consequences

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Conrad had never hated anyone in his life more than he hated Angelica at that moment. It was three in the morning, and he was up worried sick about her when she threw open the door at exactly three twenty-five. He immediately walked over to the door from the couch to see her giving a boy a hug and waving him away.

"Who was that?" he questioned.

He saw her flinch and turn around immediately, her face hardening just as fast. "None of your business."

"None of my business?" he raised his voice. "I've been sitting here for hours waiting for you to walk through that door. I would say it's my business."

"I met him at the boardwalk."

"So you're just running around with random boys you don't even know," his eyebrows hurt from how long they had been furrowed. "That is dangerous and reckless and careless even for you."

"What is that supposed to mean?" she snapped back at him.

"You know what that means."


"We just lost your mom," he said, and he could see her swallow. "How do you think everyone, your dad, would feel about losing you too, and for what? A quick fuck."

"Shut up."

"No, tell me. How do you think we would feel if we lost you the same way except this time it would be your fault because you reek of alcohol and I'm sure whoever brought you home tonight does too."


"Your actions have consequences and don't think for a second that if anything ever happened to you, none of us would care. Every single person in this house would be affected—your dad, your friends, the people who signed you to their label, me!"

"Stop!" her voice broke.

The tears streaming down Angelica's face didn't stop Conrad, "I still care about you! Do you think your actions don't affect me at all? After everything we've been through!?"

"What is going on down here!?" Laurel's stern voice rang through the entryway of the beach house.

Angelica and Conrad did not look away from each other, and they stayed silent. "Go to bed. Both of you."

He took no time in pushing past Angelica and heading up to his room.

Conrad sat alone in his dimly lit room, the weight of his actions felt heavy on his shoulders. The words he spat at Angelica are still fresh in his memories. He never intended to yell at her and spew such angry words, but his emotions took over. He knew he had crossed a line by bringing up MJ's death. It was cruel and he deeply regretted itHe stared at his phone, contemplating whether he should reach out to her and apologize. His heart ached at the thought of the tears he had seen in her eyes. How could he have been so heartless?

The room felt suffocating, and Conrad was drowning in his thoughts. He remembered how Angelica's face crumpled, how her voice trembled with emotion, and he felt a lump form in his throat. He knew he had crossed a line, using her painful past against her in a moment of anger.

Running his hands through his hair, Conrad tried to make sense of his actions. He knew he had unresolved feelings for Angelica, but that wasn't an excuse. He should have been there for her, but he hadn't. Since the moment he found out about his mother's cancer returning all he did was push Angelica away.

Conrad felt the sting of tears in his eyes. He knew he needed to make things right, apologize, and take responsibility for his hurtful words. But would she even listen to him after what he had said?

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