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As the concert ended I looked at all of Ghost's members one last time before they left the stage. This concert was truly amazing.
As everyone made their ways home I found myself sitting on a bench near the exit of the concert hall still overwhelmed by the incredible experience.
The night sky filled with stars only added to the surreal feeling that lingered inside of me.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice someone quietly took a seat next to me "the sky is pretty isn't it?" A soft voice spoke.
Startled I turned around  to see a person with a kind and soothing smile— it was Sodo, the very person I couldn't keep my eyes away from this concert.
My heart fluttered with surprise as he was the last person I'd expect to be with right now.
"It Truly is" I nervously replied, my hands fidgeting slightly as I tried to compose myself. The surprise of seeing Sodo next to me was not thrilling and intimidating, but I didn't want my nerves to get the better of me.

Sodo chuckled lightly sensing my nervousness. "I'm glad I'm not the only one admiring the beauty of the night sky" he spoke still smiling warmly.
"It's breathtaking" I answered as I tried to calm my nerves.
"So how'd you like the concert?" He asked as he looked me directly in my eyes making my heart skip a beat. "It was amazing, I loved every single moment of it, you guys were incredible" I answered  "well thank you" Sodo said humbly as his smile widened a little.

We kept talking for what felt like hours, Sodo was a nice person to talk to and the sweetest person I've met in a while. As we kept talking I couldn't help but feel drawn to him.
We shared a lot of stories and he told me very much about ghost's tours, the process of creating music, and his own experience as an artist.
We talked about how we both like nature and my interests in art and music in which he seemed genuinely interested in as well.

After some more talking I finally got the courage to ask him, "why did you come here?" I asked as I looked down at my hands. Sodo seemed a bit surprised by this question he slowly put his hand on my leg and explained it " well I couldn't help but notice you during the concert, you seemed to be enjoying it as much as I did" he said with a soft smile on his face "I looked out of the window and noticed you sitting here all alone so I figured I would take a chance to talk to you"
I felt my cheeks flush with a bit of embarrassment and excitement "well, i, glad you did" I replied with a smile as I looked up at the ghoul.

As the night wore on, we both realized it was time for us to head home. Sodo walked me to my car and just before we said our goodbyes he held my hand.
"I know we just met, but I really enjoyed talking to you tonight... would you be interested in going out for dinner some time?" He asked as he blushed slightly.
I could feel my heart racing with excitement as I replied "yes, i'd love to"

We exchanged numbers, and as I drove home I couldn't help but feel like this was the start of
something special....

After the concert || A Sodo fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now