chapter one - announcement

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"No i'm telling you i'm going to win!"

"Keep telling yourself that Amy." My mum replied.

I sat down on the couch with my laptop and continued to refresh youtube. Sam and Colby were about to announce the winner for the competition me and my best friend of 7 years, Amy Miller, had entered. In order to enter you had to subscribe to XPLR Club. Amy was a little desperate so she commented on every post of theirs saying she subscribed. Amy has been obsessed with Sam And Colby for ages now. Mainly Colby though. I only entered this competition for her since if you won you were allowed to bring one extra friend with you.

New Sam And Colby Video - Just Now

Amy's eyes light up as she clicked on the notification. I honestly had no hope that we would win but Amy was fully convinced that she would.

"Whats up guys it's Sam and Colby."
"And today we are announcing the winner of the lucky fan that will get the once in a life time opportunity to come exploring with us! Before we announce it, we just wanted to say thank you to all that had entered. 100% of the subscription fee went towards charities so thank you all so much for donating. Without further of due...the winner of our completion is....
Lily Wells!
Congratulations Lily. You should receive an email from us shortly with all the information.
Yet again, thank you to everyone that entered. We wouldn't have been able to go through with this opportunity without you all. We love you guys."

My jaw dropped and Amy's eyes began to fill with tears.

" god! WE'RE MEETING SAM AND COLBY." Amy squealed as she ran up to hug my mum.

I grabbed my phone and sure enough, there was an email from them.

Hey Lily!
Congratulations again on winning. As you know you get to bring a special friend or family member out on the trip with you. Since this was a competition it would make sense for us to chip in a little. We will be paying for your flights, ubers and hotel room. Bring your own money to buy food and anything else you may want to purchase. In order for us to proceed, please send a copy of your drivers license, including your plus one. Please have this information back to us by 12:00am 5th June 2023. If you fail to answer in time you will not be able to join us on the trip since a second place winner has already been chosen.
All the love
Sam and Colby :)

"You have to reply like right now!" Amy shouted.
I shook my head and laughed. "Let's go eat lunch and then i'll answer."


After eating me and Amy sat back down on the couch and began to type our response.

Hey Sam and Colby!
Thank you so much for this experience we are so excited. The friend joining us will be my best friend Amy Miller. She's a huge fan and was actually the one who begged me to enter so i'm doing this all for her. I've attached a file of a copy of our drivers licences. Thank you guys so much for this opportunity.
Lily Wells and Amy Miller

"Is that good?" I asked Amy while handing her my phone. "It's perfect. Can i send it?" I gave her a nod and she eagerly pressed the send button. Now we just wait for all the details.

A/N: i don't know if anybody is going to read this but i started writing it because i was bored and i'm actually really enjoying it. it would be cool if people read this so if you are please give me feedback on how you think of the story and if there is anything i need to fix please let me know ASAP.

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