Did Zee visit? I shook my head because I hadn't seen Pzee even Max since the confrontation at the office.

Not yet; I answer.

It's better if he and nunew don't meet first while everything is not clear, Nat you will take care of him; Zane says I nod my head and looks back at Nunew before taking the bag.

Sailor stay with Nat, Kiel, and I are enough to handle things; Sailor was about to protect Kiel immediately nod his head and force Sailor to nod.

When the two came out, I looked at sailor who let out a deep breath.

Aren't you worried about Kiel? You know what they will do is dangerous, you can go with them if you want; I said he shook his head at me.

I trust them, I know what they will do is dangerous, but I trust zane and Kiel. I am sure they will return safely, "he answered.

Nat, what if there is a bigger truth that nunew will know? Do you think he can forgive the person who did this? His sudden question made me frown.

What do you mean? I confusely ask, but he just looked at Nunew seriously.

It's not just one or two people involved in this mess, we recently found out about it, but it will hurt him even more when he finds out about it, especially since this person is not stranger to his heart; I was confused, I was about to ask more, but he suddenly stood up and said goodbye to buy something outside.

Who is he referring to?

( Nunew Pov )

I woke up in a daze, I don't know, but my head hurts so much.

I turned my eyes and saw Nat sleeping soundly, I remembered what had happened last night. He's there, and he didn't even tell me about it.

What I don't understand is how he was there and what his motive to commit that heinous crime, Why? Why are you one of the reasons why my parents died?

All this time, you know who really am?Is everything you show me false? I remembered everything, but how can I accept this fact? I clenched my fist and closed my eyes to control the pain in my head. I stood up slowly and went to the balcony of my room. It was still midnight, so the whole area was quiet. I took a deep breath and went out of my room, I saw some nurses, but I just ignored them and continued walking until I reached the garden. I sat in the vacant seat, but I immediately stopped when I felt a presence behind me.

Do you remember everything? He asked me. I didn't turn my head because I already knew who he was.

What if yes? will you kill me like what you did to my parents? are you disappointed seeing me alive until now? I said coldly.

No, I'm glad you're safe, Believe it or not, it was never my intention to hurt your family, It's not my choice; I wiped the tears that came out of my eyes.

All this time, you know who I really am? Not as the son of Chawarin but as Nunew Perdpiriyawong? I am right? I asked him.

Yes, when I first saw you, I recognized you immediately, I'll admit I was scared, I was scared that you might find out but I found out that you have no memory of the past so-; I cut him off and I answered what he said next.

So you pretend and act like a saint in front of me, is that it? He was quiet because of what I said.

Im sorry, Im very sorry nunew; I shook my head repeatedly and let the tears fall.  I trust him, I trust him completely, but this is what he repay me.

Leave, I don't want to see you; I said coldly.

I know what I did was unforgivable, but I want you to know that all I did was come from my heart, Please be careful nunew; I cover my ears, not wanting to hear anything from him.

You lied to me all this time, You lied to me, How could you; My tears started flowing again after saying that. I wiped my tears and immediately walked away from him, I couldn't look him in the eye because I might just hurt him, How did everything turn to this. I closed my eyes and let the tears come out as I continued walking.

Whatever reason you have, you still can't bring back my parents' lives, You took two important people in our lives, Kiera was too young back then, She suffered pain after pain because of you, so how can I forgive you?

How can I forgive you, Zee?

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