Chapter 1.17 - Open wound.

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It had been a month since Jess promised to return to stars hollow. He hadn't come back. I don't know why I thought this time it would be different. I figured that if we had both admitted our feelings this time, that meant that he had to come back as if it was an unspoken rule or something of the sort. I walked into Lukes with Rory and Lorelai, Rory and I sat down as Lorelai went to order.

"So, no sign of Jess?" Rory asked me, I shook my head

"I'm over him Ro', really," I assured her, even though I knew I was lying, she had a look of disbelief on her face but decided not to pry, "So, have you decided on where you're going to apply?" I asked her

"Well you already know I'm planning on Harvard, but my grandpa took me on a tour of Yale so I might as well apply there, maybe Princeton too, you?" 

"Hmm, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Cornell, Dartmouth, Brown, Stanford, MIT, Duke? I'm just gonna apply to all of them and see which ones accept me," I said

"And if none of them do?" She asked, I scoffed

"I am not stupid, but you're right, I didn't think of a solution for that,"

"And if they all do?" She asked again

"Well then, I just choose the one that has the best color scheme," I shrugged.  Lorelai then sat down at our table with food and coffee. 

"Yeah I totally agree," She spoke as she sipped her coffee.

"Really? And which one do you think I should choose?" I asked knowing she had no idea what the topic was.

"The uh, the first one," She answered, I nodded slowly

"And which one was that?" I asked.

"You know, the one with the- and, and the- you know?" 

"Yeah definitely,"

"So, no sign of Jess?


Third person pov

As Lorelai stepped into Luke's diner for the second time in the day, she sat at the counter and pulled out a book while she waited for Luke. As she tilted her head down to read the words, the glasses that she rarely wore, except on the occasion that her eyes hurt, threatened to fall off of her face.

"Coffee?" Luke asked once he showed up in front of her, she nodded eagerly. She took the coffee in her hands as Luke started making conversation "How's it going?" He asked

"It's going," she shrugged, 

"This is probably gonna make it go slower, but Jess showed up today," He spoke, this made Lorelai nearly choke on her coffee,

"I'm gonna kill that boy, where is he?" She asked, upset that the boy had the audacity to show up in Star's hollow after hurting the girl who she saw as a daughter and has not fully recovered from his broken promise. The man shrugged.

"He left as quick as he came, has to be somewhere in Stars Hollow because he left all his stuff, but he came this morning after you guys left, and when I asked him why he was back, he said nothing, left, and I haven't seen him the whole day." He spoke. 

"Oh, now I really wanna kill him,"


A day had passed since Jess had come to stars hollow, he had gone back to the diner but gotten into a fight with Luke and left just as quick, this time with his stuff.

As Lorelai stood behind the front desk at the independence inn. She saw a familiar figure with bags walk inside, she turned to her grumpy French coworker.

"Michel, can you take this guy, I'm not in the mood for this," She asked, leaving before she got an answer. 

"Lorelai wait!" She heard the person shout as they walked quickly up behind her. She walked all the way outside, before stopping in her tracks. 


"Don't, I do not want to hear it. Whatever stupid excuse you have, there is no possible way it will cover for what you did, what you've been doing." She spoke,

"And what exactly is that?" He asked in a tone that showed how badly raised he was.

"You hurt my dau- Y/n! She cares about you Jess, and you keep playing with her feelings. You do things and don't deal with the consequences, you avoid things, you made a promise to her, and you didn't keep it. 


"There's no because! You pushed her, she fell for you, and you didn't catch her, you just did a really bad job bandaging her wound, and when it finally started healing, you hurt her again! Now there's an open wound and you're all out of bandages!" She yelled. Jess didn't say anything, the reason was because he knew she was right, and there was no way to defend what he had done. He had been an asshole to someone he cared about. 

The Girl With The Bowie T-Shirt | Jess Mariano x Fem! ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora