"Dimwit!" she hits my head


"He should be lucky I accepted his proposal" she scoff "have you seen me?" She asks posing

"Yes. Yes I have" I chuckle seeing her frown "I was joking" I say hugging her "who is it?" I ask again

"My boss" she mumbles

"At last"

"What do you mean at last?" She asks frowning in confusion I pull away from her

"Everyone could tell he likes you" I say I knew she knows he likes her,she doesn't want to acknowledge it because of her late husband "I'm happy you are finally moving on" I admit

"I still feel I'm doing something wrong"

"You are not....papa would be happy you are finally moving on trust me"

"Okay" she mutter before shaking her head "Enough of the talking go wash the dishes" she pulls me towards the sink as I groan allowing her push "and help me pick the kids from school" she says before kissing my head rushing to the front door "I love you gangster bye!"

"Love you too!" I shout hearing the door slam shut. I sigh focusing my body to the dishes I can't believe this didn't allow me to spend more time with my husband


"Husband" I say feeling myself smile as I remember calling him that I can't believe this word could make me feel this happy, having this great joy running through out my body I also liked the way it sounded on my tongue probably because it's was a way to claim him as my own yes I'm possessive I don't care. He's mine

I never imagine me being married talk less being a gang leader sure I have wondered what my life was like but being a gang leader never, I don't even know how to feel knowing what I am

"Gem..." I look to see TU lazily come down the stairs as she yawns pulling her hair "you're here"

"Good morning tu" I say smiling as she wraps her hand around my leg groaning "how was your night?"

"Fine....I'm hungry" she whines "I want to eat noodles" she pouts staring up at me "can you make some? Please?"

Like I said TU can be an angel

"I will...just give me a moment" I say rubbing her head as she rest it on my waist. I wash the dishes with Tu not once leaving my side sometimes I had check if she had fallen asleep mostly looking at her in worry TU is not this clingy.

I finished washing going to bring the pot for the noodles but tu didn't let me go making me frown

"Tu I need to get the pot" I say looking at her but she shakes her head groaning. Okay something is wrong "Tu what's wrong?" I asks softly rubbing her head

"Nothing..." She mutters still not letting me go

"Tu..." I call bending to her level as I see her eyes water "what's wrong pookie?"

"You d-died" she mumbles shakily making my eyes widen "I dreamt you were gone...you l-left us" she cries tears starts pouring down her face as I stare at her in panic before taking her into my arms "Y-You left us!" She cried out loud sobbing on my neck "Don't leave us Gem.... please d-dont leave us" she begs tightening her hold on my body as my eyes water from the pain emitting off her knowing it might happen I stay silent not finding words to stop her cries just holding her as she cries profusely saying I shouldn't leave them something I have no power over

"P-promise me..."She pulls away from me holding out her Pinky finger as I stare at it with blurry eyes "Promise you won't leave us"


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