"Uuuuuhhh-not really but I just really. REALLY need to Talk with him ASAP"

"Dream on Headbands no one has even seen the Master for 50 years"

"What the fu-50 YEARS?! What kind of bullshit-look I need to see him right now!"

"Then try Headbands" the two snickered poking Mk right on his Forehead, Mk Grumbled and smacked the Boys Hand "between us we've nearly learned 2 of the 72 transformations" they Grinned, taking a stance Mk Blinked.

2? As in wait-as in 2 out of the 70?

'Bro? How long have you guys been training here? I dunno years?'

'But only 2?!'

'It's like-I only learned that for like one day and a second!'

Smirking at this Mk smugly Looked at them and crossed his arms. I mean bro It's not Everyday He gets to use his mean bitch as face to rub some salt on People "woooow Dude 2 huh? Well I can Give you some pointers on the other 70!" He Grinned, and with a Snap a flash of gold Blinded them. Towering the two Mk fought the 2 Boys with his Gorilla form, showing off his Mastery by Repeatedly going from eagle to gorilla, Tiger to a Bull and suprisingly even going to the Things the students didn't know yet.

Like Being a Butterfly a Spider and a roach.

"Come on catch me!"

He laughed, shrinking to the smallest size as possible, suprising All of the students.

Bro just Showed off another teaching of the master and they are Hella confused as fuck.

Mk Grinned running quickly and Sliding under the gap of the door as he entered with a triumpath smile "AHA! See that's why you don't mess With Someone-woah!" He Yelped, suddenly going upside down he dangled up and Blinked seeing an old man and staring at him. "Master?-its you! Master Subodhi!" He laughed, letting the boy go he returned back to his normal Size.

"This is so Cool! It's an honor to Meet you Master!-wait that sounds weird maybe calling you Master Subodhi will be fine"

"But! I know this may sound weird and doesn't make sense I know but! You see I need to know where are my Friends are-"

"No need to ramble all of the nonsense" cutting him off the Master Crossed his arms and looked at the young boy "for I know what you exactly need to know. The question is do you?" He whispered, Making him Frown "you know who I am?....but....this is the memory scroll there's no way you know exactly what's happening" He Gasped, but the old Master simply Smirked and Stroked his Beard.

"I am The wise Master Subodhi young man. There is little I do not know"

He sighs, seeing this young boy he Irked once he jumped with such energy and even cheering "aww yeah! This means you can help me find Monkey king and possibly the others! Oh! Maybe also Defeating the Curse!" He gleamed, eyes Sparkling At such thought that he has the Master Subodhi Beside him and saving his friends and Beating that Curses Ass for good.

"No Giant Avengers threat World ending calamities! Yes! Just The Monkie kid Chillin with his friends once this is all over and saving lives around the city-"


"Hush Your Tongue and Stand up Straight! My Goodness gracious Buddha You Talk too much! I won't even ask where you get all of the energy to run around like a toddler!"

AGAINST ALL ODDS [The Golden Cicada Season 4]Where stories live. Discover now