Lotus flowers💐~Imdavisss

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Xyla Ross

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Xyla Ross


Xyla POV

11:23 am

I hear the alarm on my phone go off and I groan. I turn it off and sit up in my bed and I stretch; I pat my head to see if my bonnet is still on my head to which it is so thank God. I get off my bed and head to the kitchen to eat breakfast; I grab a bowl and make myself some cereal because I don't feel like making a big breakfast for myself this morning. After breakfast, I head to the bathroom to take a shower and do my daily routine.

~30 minutes later ~

I walk out of my bathroom and head to the closest to pick out my outfit for today, after going back and forth between outfits I pick a cute two-piece outfit and I put my hair in a puff, and I slip on my flats and head out my apartment. I lock my door to my apartment and start to head to the shop.

I walk into the shop to see my co-worker with a cup of tea in her hand, I wave at her, and she waves back. I walk over to the flowers on the display and water them making sure that they still look pretty for the customers and I flip the closed sign to open and wait for the customers to come in. The shop usually starts slow in the first few minutes of the opening so I have time to go to the staff room to make myself some tea.

~a few boring minutes later~

The customers come flooding in and start talking about orders and what kinds of flowers they want, and we help people find what flowers they ordered the day before and let me tell you, there are a lot of orders to deal with. I take a break and drink my tea and thankfully my tea is still kinda hot so I can somewhat enjoy it; I head to the bathroom and fix myself up a little and sigh to myself in the mirror "you've could've done your hair a little fucking better today girl" I sigh once again and walk out of the bathroom and head back to the chaos in the front.

After a few minutes, the chaos finally cools down so I can finally sit down and rest; I pick up my phone and start to play a game on it, I'm so close to finishing the level I'm on but the store door opens so I have to stop what in doing. I look up to see a darkskin man with blond hair walk in; he always comes here but I never got his name.

Davis POV

I'm here again for the 40th time just to see her and today she looks pretty...not that she's not always pretty but today she looks really pretty and today is the day that I finally go and talk to her. I'm taking Duke's advice he gave me and I'm gonna try to be "smooth" or whatever that means and hopefully, it goes well, and I don't make a fool of myself.

I walk to the counter to where she's sitting and I'm nervous but here goes nothing "hey...mamas" fuck fuck fuck I'm so stupid she probably thinks that what I just did was dumb, what do I do now? Do I run? Do I just leave? What do I do? Damn it, Duke, why did you tell me to do that. I mentally smack myself and prepare for the worse, then I hear her giggle which turns my attention to her "let me guess this the first time you did that?" I hear her say and I sigh "yeah my friend told me to that because that's how to be "smooth" " I do air quotes on the word smooth and she laughs "well that was a good try but I don't think that your friend was trying to help you if they told you to do that" and I nod in agreement with her "but since you tried I'll give you an A for effort" I smile and silently cheer because it didn't turn out terrible and I decided to spark up another topic "so what's your favorite flower" and she smiles at me "well my favorite flower if you must know is the sacred lotus" "oh did you know that the scientific name for the lotus is Nelumbo nucifera and It's an aquatic plant species that thrive in ponds and lakes, and almost exclusively during warm seasons."

I start to ramble on but stop when I look at her, but she doesn't look bored or disinterested in what I'm saying " I never knew that thank you. you look so cute when you talk you know that?" the way she just said that puts a goofy smile on my face she thinks I'm cute and she likes when I talk hell yeah take that Duke. I clear my throat and start to speak "so anyways I thought you were really pretty, and I was hoping if we could. I don't know. Talk more? It's ok if you don't want to like I'm not forcing you or anything" and she laughs "yes I would like to talk more cutie and here since I can't give my number to people" I see her grab a piece of paper and write down her number which she hands to me after she's done and I take it and put it in my pocket for later "oh and by the way, I never got your name" I completely forgot my name for a second but then I remember "oh it's Davis or whatever you want to call me " and she cuts me off "how about I just call you David so we can skip the formalities and my name is Xyla by the way" I nod my head and then my phone dings, it's a text from Kayla saying that we've got a case and I need to come in now I quickly turn off my phone and look up at her "well uh I need to go, work calls" and I wave to her and run out the door "see you later David don't forget to text me!" I hear her say that while I'm out the door.

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