Seat 11: Mezo Shoji. His quirk is kind of scary looking but oh my days is it cool. He can grow extra appendages, eyes, mouths, ears, hands, and to be honest I'm not sure about anything else. He's also very quiet.

Seat 12: Kyoka Jiro, she has those amp plug things connected to her ears and speakers on her legs that allow her to turn her heartbeat into a sonic attack. She's probably the most chill out of all of the girls, and definitely my favorite thus far.

Seat 13: Hanta Sero, his quirk is tape dispenser elbows. He's honestly pretty down to earth. I quite like him.

Seat 14: Fumikage Tokoyami. His quirk is kinda like mine!! He produces a dark spirit thing called Dark Shadow (who I already know I'm going to LOVE). He may be reserved but I want to make him my friend, based on his quirk and his vibe.

Seat 15: Shoto Todoroki, he's half hot and half cold, just like his hair (split dye lmao). He's very broody I guess. I believe his exact words were "I'm not here to make friends, just to become a hero." Although based on his dad (Endeavor (The number 2 hero) ew) he's probably got some emotional baggage.

Seat 16: Minoru Mineta. I AM GOING TO KILL HIM AT SOME POINT. He's a purple perv with grape hair. He's like constantly drooling over girls. Honestly, killing him might do the world a favour. His quirk is his grape hair, they're sticky balls that he can rip off his scalp. I mean tbh the quirk fits his personality.

Seat 17: Katsuki Bakugo, his sweat explodes. He reminds me of a pomeranian, with really fluffy hair with a TEMPER. The dude is so angry, like constantly.

Seat 18: Izuku Midoriya. Not sure what his quirk is, although it breaks his bones as a drawback. He gets really flustered really easily. He's alright, very positive like the majority of the time. It's lowkey annoying. He also has stalker vibes. He analyses pro's and keeps notes in notebooks, he's started on the rest of our class. It's sorta creepy I can't lie.

Seat 19: The best seat in the room. The person that sits there is on top, no one can beat them. Lol, I'm kidding. It's my seat.

Seat 20: Momo Yaoyourozu, she can make anything (that's not alive). Her quirk is sick. She's also like super smart and resourceful. Love that she's behind me. Whenever I get stuck in class, help is close by.

Anyways that's a rundown on my classmates, back to how my first day went.

Because Dad works at the school I arrived at UA an hour early, so I wandered around for a bit. Sat in the classroom. Got very bored. Then wandered around some more. Finally, people started showing up. It was all of those lowkey awkward first-meeting-people introductions (which I HATE). Nothing interesting happened until the pomeranian, Bakugo, got to class. He sat down and flung his feet up on the desk. Then Iida went off. He called Bakugo a creatin. Bakugo asked if his old school put a stick up his ass or if he was born with it (lmao, slightly uncalled for though).

Then Midoriya turned up and Iida got up to talk to him at the door. I should probably mention that at this point I had no idea who my homeroom teacher was. It could've been anyone but of course just my luck it's my Dad. He turned up like a caterpillar in his yellow sleeping bag, scaring Iida, Midoriya, and Uraraka. It was sort of funny but also very creepy at the same time. Typical Dad.

He rambled on about making friends, leaving UA, then something about how it took us far too long to shut up (8 whole seconds! I know, outrageous smh). In typical dad fashion, the first-day plan of going to orientation went out of the window. Instead, we got changed into the UA Sports uniform and did a quirk aptitude test. Yay ... it was totally so much fun and I'm not being sarcastic at all.

It started off with a rant about the education system, how we're all not equal. Rationality. Then he threatened whoever placed last with expulsion, something about them having no potential. When Urarka mentioned that sending someone home on the first day was unfair, Dad had the audacity to compare it to natural disasters. The 8 tests that we did were: 50-meter dash, grip strength, standing long jump, repeated sides steps, ball throw, the distance run, sit-ups, and the seated toe touch,

In the first test (the dash) I surfed on a shadow path. Totally because it was the quickest way and not because I hate running. I finished in 4.23 seconds (pretty fast if I do say so myself). Now I may accel in academics (come through photographic memory) but I am not very strong. I don't even remember my grip strength score but I don't think it was high above 50kgs. In the standing long jump, I did the same thing I did with the dash, clearing the entire thing. Which was great, I also hate sand. It gets everywhere. I did the repeated side steps normally. The ball throw was simple, I tossed the ball and then manipulated the shaodws to move it as far as I could. Now a little side rant, Uraraka through the ball using her zero-gravity quirk and got a score of infinity. Logistically this makes like zero sense, the ball should've travelled upwards and eventually reached a point in the upper atmosphere where it combusts as helium balloons do. Within the first two minutes of the distance run, I was over the last three tests. Honestly, what was the need for all of the categories?

The only interesting thing was my dad chewing out Midoriya. I didn't catch most of it, apart from him being called a liability. Then Bakugo's reaction to Midoriya using his quirk, for some reason he thinks that Midoriya is quirkless.

The final rankings came in (from first to last of course): Yaoyourozu, Todoroki, Bakugo, Me, Iida, Tokoyami, Shoji, Oijiro, Kirishima, Ashido, Uraraka, Koda, Sato, Sue, Sero, Kaminari, Jiro, Hagakure, Mineta, and Midoriya.

Plot twist, Dad decided not to expel Midoriya. He usually expels people then reenrols them to teach them a lesson or just straight up expels them. Instead, he wrote it off as a rational deception. After that we were done for the day. We all got changed, and the girls exchanged numbers to make a group chat, then we picked up a syllabus from the classroom and went home. Pretty boring if I'm being honest.

Let's hope tomorrow is more interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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