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Past names: none

Current name: Swift

Future names: Swiftmane (if he becomes a mane)

Gender: Male

Rank: Cub

Future ranks: No-mane, Mane

Desired rank: Mane


Fur colors: Reddish-beige pelt with a lighter underbelly, inner ears, paws and, muzzle, his mane is a dark brown

eye color: Blue

Basic desc: An average sized cub with a reddish-beige pelt and a dark brown mane with blue eyes


Negative + Positive traits: 

Positive traits: Playful, energetic and curious 

Negative traits: Restless, easily distracted and short-tempered

Overall: He embodies the essence of youth and enthusiasm, always seeking fun and adventure in every aspect of life. With his active and fun-loving nature, Swift brings joy to those around him, and his curiosity leads him to explore and discover the world with a childlike wonder which sadly he can't do due to Pride Lore.

However, beneath his playful exterior, Swift also carries a certain restlessness, making it challenging for him to stay still or focus on one thing for too long. This trait adds a layer of unpredictability to his actions and decisions. He is easily distracted by the allure of new experiences and can find it difficult to concentrate on tasks at hand, leading to occasional scattered behavior.

Swift's short temper can flare up unexpectedly, especially when things don't go his way or when he feels impatient with the pace of events. Despite his impulsive tendencies, he possesses a sense of bravery that allows him to face challenges head-on. Swift's loyalty to his siblings, fosters strong bonds within the family unit.


Mother: Is the Hunt chief of the Pride and leads along side his dad (name is up to the claimer)

Father: Is the Mane of the Pride (name is up to the claimer)

Brothers: None

Sisters: has 2 sisters

Cubs: None

Mate: None

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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