Its the start of something new 02.

5 0 0

My dad assigned me a mission I did not want to do.. Stalking. That word puts shivers down my spine. I walk down the sidewalk and up his gray concrete stairs, and ring his golden shiny doorbell. I see a tall fluffy hair boy with gray eyes that would run in my mind for miles. He leans against the door frame.

"Hey" he says in a monotone voice "You must be Mallory, nice to meet you." he holds out his veiny hand."

"Hey... Uhm your Atlas right?" I say in a questioning manner, slightly nervous.

Damn he is not too bad to be honest to bad I'm lesbian, but he makes me question myself. Am I bi? Ugh this isn't a time to be thinking about my sexuality...

"yeah that's me." his soft tone makes my stomach ache go away "Why don't you come in prince- I meant mallory" I blush hardcore, ugh why am I like this I just met the dude...

I walk in and look at his LED lights in his living room,kitchen and by the stairs.

"Wow, looks like you really like LED lights.." I giggle, he looks over

"So? What's your favorite color?" he questioned

"Sage green, why?" he walks over to LED lights and They turn off

3 up red

3 up green

2 up blue

"Wooow! Its so pretty!" The light shines in my eyes, He turns around and stares into them. My smile widens. I looked at him staring and blushing...

This cannot be happening.. I can not fall for my target... But it's hard not to, yknow what im just gonna ignore it..

"Sooo... Whatcha wanna do?" his voice deepens

"Well whatever, we can watch a movie, or maybe go out and do whatever you prefer." I say in my -be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool- type of tone...

"You choose, you're the guest after all."

His play of words put butterflies in my stomach, His gray eyes with the shine of the LED lights, His brown fluffy hair and the white tee and sweatpants he was in. It all made me go head or heels, Except for the fact I was wearing a high-top converse.

"Alright then, Uhmmm, Why don't we go roller skating?" I say this because I KNOW I'm definitely better!

"Sounds fine to me.. But know i'm good.." he says in a somewhat convincing tone

"mhm, Sure you are.. Keep making up lies.." I get more aggressive

"Wanna bet 5 bucks that I'm better!"


"Deal," he says, shaking my hand.

While we were on our way I saw droplets fall onto the car window.

"Looks like it's gonna rain." I say as i put on the seat warmers

"No shit." he laughs and looks over "You cold?"

"Yeah a bit, but I'm fine." I say completely and fully not fine and freezing

"here." At the stoplight he reaches into his back seat and grabs a hoodie and tosses it at me.

"Oh" I say flustered "Thanks"  blush fill my face, I throw on the hoodie that has fleece lining in the inside.

"Comfy?" he asked. "yeah."

"Is it fine if I connect my phone?"



Playing... LoveJoy, Call Me What You Like

he turns it up to 34%

"What!? 34???"

I turn it up to 35% so it's even.

"how ridiculous." he says smirking

The rest of the way there we yelled to the music in the car and jammed out. The rain poured down onto the windshield and then we got out of the car to go get ice cream before we went.

-Authors Notes-

Hey guys, So I know I told you I'm posting 4 at a time, but this one was too good not to publish. And as you can see I kinda got carried away with the romantic side of my writing :) But thank you for reading

Remember to drink water and eat!

and there's many hotlines out

there if you have any problems

stay safe ILY! <3

Word Count: 667 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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