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Written a month after the battle from Ruby's POV:

I felt a spark of annoyance as I burnt my alarm clock with my laser eyes. However, I was soon overcome by a wave of sadness.

I mean, sure my life was good... But I've felt some kind of emptiness inside of me ever since Chelsea- I mean Nerissa was defeated. I know I'm being ridiculous. I mean, how could you miss someone who you're not sure you even know? But I could never hate chelsea. No matter how hard I tried.

These thoughts constantly distracted me as I got changed and brushed my teeth. I slowly made my way downstairs, dragging my backpack behind me. However, the sound of my brother's laughter and the voices of my parents snapped me out of my trance.

"Good morning!" Mom walked over and put her arms around my neck.

"Oh, hi mom, " I replied, feeling slightly uncomfortable as she let go.

"I'll make breakfast soon. "

I took a seat, staring into space. Until I felt a punch to the face, that was.

"Ow! Sam! What was that for?"

My little brother looked at me, frowning in annoyance.

"You were ignoring me!"

"I wasn't! " I protested.

Even though I felt guilty for denying it, I didn't feel like putting up with Sam today, and I was excited to see Connor. An image of Chelsea's perfect face came to my mind again, but I fought back the feeling. As a mathlete who had been studying all night, I was excited to help Connor as much as I could during today's tutoring session.

I hastily finished my breakfast before saying goodbye to everyone. I inhaled the fresh sea air and started walking to school, careful not to bump into someone or attract any attention. After the battle, people treated me and my family like heroes and we were constantly followed around.

Not to mention the fact that everywhere I go, people look at me like I'm about to transform into a giant kraken any second. I have gotten better at controlling my emotions and haven't transformed unintentionally since the battle. Sometimes I have to hide in the farthest corner of the library or even in a bathroom stall to avoid people's prying eyes.

I entered the building keeping my head down, whilst also scanning the hallway for Connor. But then I remembered that most of the school had broken up for the summer holidays already and there were only a few people in my class left. If he was here though, then I would be able to take my mind off things by tutoring him.

I wanted to look for him more but the bell rang. I decided that until then I'd try to answer as many questions in class as I could. The day flew by and soon it was lunch break. Unsurprisingly I had been given a few weird stares during class. As I neared the bathroom, I felt as if I was being watched, but I ignored the feeling.

Luckily there was no one in the bathroom. I sighed, leaning over the bathroom sink before splashing my face with water. I wiped the water off my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't really like what I saw. I wish I was prettier. Like Chelsea. I pinched myself as a punishment for thinking about her, but when I turned around I ended up slipping on a puddle of water and falling on my butt.


"Aww~ is my Rubyboo hurt?"

I turned my head so fast it nearly twisted off.

"Ch- Chelsea? "

"Hi there!" She waved at me, flicking her perfect hair over her shoulder.

"What - but - I - huh?"

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