Part 5

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Gwen's POV

🎶When I was...a young boy...🎶

🎶My father...took me into the city...🎶

🎶To see a marching band...🎶

'Doo, doo, doo, doo...' I hummed in tune with the music blasting through my earphones. I don't care if this song is 17 years old, it still hits - hard.

🎶To join the Black Parade...🎶

Tuu, t-t-t-tuu, tu-tu-tu-tu-tu...

*Buzz, buzz*

When I was...

*Buzz, buzz*

A young boy...

*Buzz buzz*

My father...

Took me into the city..:

To see the marching baaaaand!


I opened one eye and glanced over at my phone. 

Em Jay 💀

Is calling...

I internally groaned and reluctantly paused my music. 


'Hi, Gwen!' a voice chirped, way too happily.

'Hey, Em.' I said suspiciously. She was never this happy, and that's coming from me - a person notorious for brooding.

'How are you?' She said, her voice sickeningly sweet.


'Uh huh...okay! What are you up to?' She asked, her voice practically dripping with venom.

'Just...schoolwork, I guess?' I paused. What's up with her?

'Did I do something wrong, MJ?' I asked, confused.

'Oh, nothing,' She soothed.

'You're just 15 minutes late for practice!' She yelled through the phone, which went through my earphones, which were at 80% volume.


With my ears ringing, realization dawned on me.

I have BAND practice!

I grabbed my phone, drumsticks, and an extra sweater, and threw them into my handbag before grabbing it and running out of my dorm. As I entered the halls, I dodged students left and right and sprinted to the theater room as fast as I could. 

Shoot, shoot, shoot! Why today of all days? Come on...come on...

This was the THIRD time I had been late for band practice this month. 
I was always getting distracted by other things and forgot about the dedication I had made to this band. Whether it was school, homework, Miles, chores, or my home situation, there was permanently something that kept coming up which would take up most of my time until I forgot what I was supposed to be doing then.

This was important, though - and lately, I hadn't been as focused as I should have been. No matter how many other things were in my life, I had made a commitment to this band, and I wasn't about to quit just BECAUSE I was busy.

I burst through the theatre room's doors, panting. I rested my right hand on my knees and left on the door as I looked down, still trying to catch my breath. The distance from the dorms to the theatre was a distance, for lack of a better term. And I sprinted all the way here.
I glanced at the stage momentarily, and I saw my bandmates looking at me with a myriad of emotions hidden in their faces.
Betrayal, frustration, anger...

A Tale of Two Spiders [BEING REWRITTEN ELSEWHERE]Where stories live. Discover now