🎬🧸Surprise Song!

469 7 0

Word Count: 1086 words
Warnings: None


Harry's wife and kids were curled up on a black, leather sofa when a pair of knuckles rapped on the door. Both children lifted their heads from their mother's shoulders as she closed the book she was reading and turned her head in the direction of the noise.
In popped a large, round head of a security guard from behind the door and Talia was met with a large smile.

"Hey guys," Dan started, referring to both Natalia and her two children, "he's ready for you." 'He' being Harry.

"Alright, thanks, Dan." Talia thanked him before sitting up from the couch, "c'mon guys, we have a surprise for you.."

The small family followed security guard Dan through the industrial hallways hand-in-hand. Harry's voice could be heard clearly, thanking the crowd for coming and introducing them to his band.

To the young mother's right, her son Wyatt began whining and squirming to get his red ear defenders off of his head. Talia let go of his hand momentarily and stroked the back of his hair.

"You gotta keep them on, buddy; it's going to be loud in there." She tried to explain to her 8 year-old son. The closer they got to the stage and arena, the louder the speakers and crowd got and Talia cupped both her hands over an ear each of her kids' protectively.

Dan led them out to the back of the pit where some fans turned and waved, glancing back and forth between tiny Harry on stage and his small family. Wyatt and Annie hid their faces into Talia's leg, overwhelmed by the cheers and screams. They stood behind a guarded barricade and Talia crouched down to her children's level and pointed at the giant screens.

"Look! It's daddy!" She whispered excitedly and Annie cracked a toothy smile (Or rather a toothless one as she'd lost her two front teeth) at the sight of her dad sparkling on stage.

Harry's speech changed tone from his usual generic one to words far more serious, loving and intimate.

"Tonight," he began, pausing as he gathered his thoughts and waited for the crowd to settle, "tonight is a little bit more special as my wife and children are attending tonight."

The crowd erupted into shocked and excited screams. Talia stroked her kids' backs gently and smiled proudly at the screens.

"And I believe they are somewhere in this crowd tonight," Harry's eyes scanned the crowd before turning back at the screen when a camera focused on his wife and two children. Talia waved shyly and laughed when both her kids turned away from the lens.
"There they are!" Harry yelled excitedly into the microphone. He faced back at the crowd with a shy grin as he fixed his ear piece."They're a little shy.." his voice softened into a rasped whisper and he stepped back from the mic and coughed into his hand and

"I would like to play a song for you, tonight, that we haven't played in a while." The audience jeered and whooped in excitement. "This is also my youngest's favourite song but I would like to dedicate to both Annie and Wyatt, tonight!"

At the back of the pitch, Annie squealed with excitement as her Dad spoke about her, understanding that Sunflower Vol.6 was about to be performed to her and thousands of others.
The intro started playing and it took the crowd a few seconds to recognise the first few chords before everyone burst into the song with Harry.

Talia stood up from her crouched position and started dancing shyly with her kids to the chorus, twirling Annie as she giggled and putting Wyatt on her shoulders.

The end of the concert came quickly after the surprise song and as As it Was started the encore, the three were escorted back backstage to avoid fans leaving early.

Buzzed with excitement they practically skipped back to the dressing room, singing loudly along to the song.

"Was that a fun surprise, guys?" Talia asked as they entered Harry's dressing room, letting her kids run in first before thanking Dan and closing the door.

"Yes, yes, yes! Dad is the best!"Annie jumped up and down and ran over to Harry's suitcase. "Can I lay out Daddy's clothes?"

A small 'tradition' Annie and Harry have is he'd let his daughter pick out the clothes he wears after the show. She often advised by her mother to pick comfy and pyjama-like clothes for her dad, but there have been times where Harry's been forced to get changed into jeans and a sweater and wear it until both children have been put to bed and he can finally change into his lounge-wear in the secrecy of his own bedroom.

"Of course you can but how about we pick something like his trackies so that Dad can be comfy. He's worked very hard today." Talia approached gently, peeling out Harry's grey joggers from under his pile of clothes and held them up.

Annie scanned them skeptically before shaking her head. "No, no. Dad needs to look nice, not lazy, mummy!"

'Sorry, H. I did try!'

By the time Harry burst into the dressing room, he was out of breath and jokingly collapsed onto the cold floor where Annie and Wyatt pounced on him.

"Hello you two! Did you like the show?" He tickled under their chins and lifted them off his torso.

"They loved it, H. Didn't you guys? We even danced along!" Talia knelt down next to him and kissed his lips which resulted in gagging noises from their eldest.

"Ewww!" The two kids whined, pulling faces.

"Oi, you both should watch it or else me and mummy are going to come and tickle you until you're laughing so much that you will really gagging then!" Harry playfully warned, pulling himself up from the floor and both kids squealed and hid behind the couch.

Talia laughed too before spotting Harry's outfit. The silver and red sparkly suit was no longer clinging to his sweaty skin. Instead his body was clad with a black tracksuit and trainers.

"You changed?" His wife asked with surprise.

"You think I'm wearing jeans for that 20 minute car ride back?" Harry cocked an eyebrow while readjusting his hood. He clapped his hands together and walked towards his stuff, "right guys! Time to get home to bed!"

Whines and groans from the children followed before a screech echoed the room:

"That's not the outfit I chose!"


*This hasn't been proof read and I also have acrylic nails which makes typos and mistakes a lot easier to make*

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