Chapter 10 : First breath

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Neteyam's pov : while I was waiting for Ronal I noticed that our second oldest son had Ma'nung eyes and my skin color I smiled I was glad I have a family now. I look over at our second oldest he had my eyes and my tail,he had Ma'nung skin color I just keep smiling I will protect my family no matter what happens even if we have to fight Quaritch I will always protect this family
After a while of waiting Ma'nung was waking up "Is our little girl ok?" before I could answer Ronal walk in with our little girl "She has a strong heart" she smiled and Ma'nung holdee her and I had our second and oldest "What should we name them?""How about our oldest will be Ateyo and our second is Li'ona you can name our second one"i look at our second oldest and I knew what to name him "Noukimo""I love that name Ma'teyam""The others want to come in and see them""Let them in" Ronal let's the others in and man they were all excited "Bro The second looks like you bro!"
"He has my skin and Ma'nung eyes""And the little warrior has Ao'nung skin and your eyes Neteyam""She does mom she does" I smiled "Bro you ok Ao'nung?""I'm ok Rotxo it's just giving birth is hard..."Kiri and Tsireya giggled "Well that's what happens when you mate with Neteyam" Tsireya laughed and I had a smirking look on my face "Do.Not.Neteyam.Sully" I laugh and I kiss Ma'nung.

After a few hours of resting

Aonung's pov : I watch as Ma'teyam lifted our oldest son "Ateyo!" Everyone else said our sons name I smiled in happiness and we went to the water for our oldest first breath, I let go of Ateyo as he swam up to the surface and me and Ma'teyam swam up to see if he was ok I hug him even Ma'teyam we went to our Spirit tree Ma'teyam holded our oldest and I holded Noukimo and Li'ona my Sa'nok connected our children to the eye of eywa as soon as we got done I started to sing the song cord of our children

Ateyo's songcord:

Noukimo's songcord:

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Noukimo's songcord:

Noukimo's songcord:

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Li'ona's songcord:

(Pretend Ao'nung is singing like Neytiri 😭)

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(Pretend Ao'nung is singing like Neytiri 😭)

When I got done singing my kids songcord I notice Noukimo was hungry so I decided to breastfeed him while I was breastfeeding Noukimo Ma'teyam was staring at me while Ateyo and Li'ona was sleeping "Ma'teyam! stop looking at me with those eyes!""Why? I can't look at my beautiful mate?~" I hit his head with my tail "Not now!" He laugh his face off I rolled my eyes "Are you done eating Noukimo?"He fell asleep and I put him in his bed with Ateyo and Li'ona, I was about to lay down until Ma'teyam pulled me into a hug "Ma'teyam I'm tired....""Ok but we cuddle""Fine skxawng" I laugh and we both layed down and Ma'teyam fell asleep I look at the ocean "I hope the Sky people don't come back..." I noticed that Ney'ake might wanted to see them since it's been a while since I visited the Spirit tree he would love them.

The next day

Lo'ak's pov : I was hanging out with Payakan until I notice Neteyam coming over "What are you doing out here Neteyam""I notice you have been gone lately why?""Oh well Payakan and I needed to catch up since it's been a while.""Ok but don't wander off to far you might get lost""Ok Olo'eyktan""Loak I said stop calling me that I'm your brother!""Hahaha!" Payakan was laughing to and Neteyam left I Continue talking to Payakan.

Rotxo's pov : I was catching fish until Ao'nung came out with Ateyo "Hey Ao'nung!""Hey Rotxo""Where's Noukimo and Li'ona?""With Kiri and Tsireya and Tuk""Makes sense" we both laughed "Ma'teyam is doing Olo'eyktan stuff""Ok but can I hold Ateyo?""Sure" he gave me Ateyo and he played with my hands "Why so cute!?""He's a baby Rotxo they are cute" I continued to play with Ateyo and I noticed Neteyam coming over "Hey Rotxo and Ma'nung" he kissed Ao'nung and I covered Ateyo eyes "Really Rotxo?" Neteyam does now he can't kiss in front of a child "What he's a baby!?""Give me back my son!" He chase me and Ao'nung was laughing while he had Ateyo in his arms.

Tsireya : while I was playing with Noukimo and Li'ona I seen Neteyam chasing Rotxo around "Should we stop them?""Nah they'll stop sooner or later""You sure Kiri they could hurt themselves-""Rotxo!?" Kiri laugh bc Rotxo ran into a tree me and Ao'nung help him into the hut and layed him down "Ma'teyam next time don't chase Rotxo.""Why he was acting like a Skxawng""Neteyam please stop saying that unless you want your kids to call you Skxawng" me and Ao'nung laugh since Kiri said that "Oh haha" then Neteyam attacks her playfully "Ima take the kids back home""Ok bye Ao'nung!""Bye!".

Aonung's pov : When I got back home I was breastfeeding Ateyo and Li'ona and Noukimo again and I heard my father "Ao'nung I didn't get to hold them bc your mother wouldn't let me" I laugh and I have him Ateyo and Noukimo "They both look like you Aonung and Li'ona looks like Neteyam""She does dad""I wonder how did you get out from mom""I kinda sneak out of the hut""Oh wow your dead soon""Yup""I swear if Neteyam gets you pregnant again ima kill him""We will see" I laugh and Sempol had a murder face on him "We will see soon dad plus my heat doesn't start yet""Ik ik I'm worried""It's ok dad I'm fine""Yea""Tonowari!!!!""She found me""Good luck Sempol" and Sa'nok came in and grab Sempol by his ear "Bye dad!""Bye Ao'nung!" And once they left I putted Ateyo and Li'ona,Noukimo asleep and I notice Neteyam come back "Why did I just seen Tonowari get pulled by Ronal?""Oh it's nothing Ma'teyam""Good" he kiss me on the cheek and he went for the neck I moaned a little until I stop him "Not today Ma'teyam""Why not today Ma'nung?""Because my dad had a murder face on""Oh well maybe we can have some alone time when the kids are with Tsireya~""Ma'teyam!""What I can't get you pregnant again?~""Maybe when the kids are older!!!""Ok ok fine" we pulled me onto the mat and we cuddle me I was happy I have a family now.

( Y'all there are two more chapters I'm working on I'm working and chapter 11 and if Y'all are wondering if they have a other kid well yes they will have a other kid but Y'all can guess the gender if you want and R.I.P Rotxo for his head tho and I might make a story of Jake sully x Male y/n with the characters ofc idk we will see if I do)

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