Chapter 1 - The News

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Aubrey Hall, June 1815

The game of pall-mall was quickly afoot after Hyacinth had recovered the runaway ball from Newton. Anthony faced his unprecedented third annual loss of the game after Eloise had knocked his ball way too far into the bushes to be able to get on top of the game again. Kate's ball met the same fate in Daphne's hands and Benedict's in Colin's, and after a fierce final fight between Colin, Eloise and Daphne, the third Bridgerton son emerged as the winner.

"Haha, look at that!" Colin rejoiced as he swung his mallet and his ball rolled neatly through the last wicket.

"Was this your first ever victory, brother?" Benedict teased and took a sip of his flask.

"Well, as long as Daphne or Anthony did not win, I guess we can all be quite satisfied." Eloise sneered. "Or perhaps we should have let the viscountess win the game, being the new lady of Aubrey Hall?" She chaffed and took a bow towards Kate.

"Oh, please do not insult me with such a pointless act! I am quite sure I shall beat you all next time, even if it will only be my third time playing this brutal game." Kate laughed, just as Anthony strode up the hill after finally finding his ball underneath a large hazelnut bush.

"Did Colin really win? Congratulations brother, though I do swear my line of losses will end with this particular game." He stated and patted Colin on the back.

"Well, your wife just declared that she will be victorious in the following game, so we shall look forward to a most interesting revanche." Daphne smiled.

"I would not expect any less from her." Anthony said, wrapping his arm around Kate's waist and planting a kiss on her temple. "Come along now dearest family, I believe the duke will arrive at any moment!"

The duke did arrive shortly after all the Bridgertons, Duchess Daphne and Lady Agatha Danbury had sat down by the large table decked outside in the garden.

"Hastings! I am glad you finally arrived, but I am sad to inform you that you just missed our game of pall-mall." Anthony greeted him, standing up and shaking his hand happily.

"Bridgertons, godmother." Simon smiled as they all rose. "Please, do not get up. I am glad as well to be here and see you all, after such a long time." He sat down on the empty chair next to Daphne. "And most of all I am glad to see you, viscountess. We met ever so briefly at your wedding and I am looking forward to getting to know another poor soul married into this crazy mallet-swinging family." He grinned and looked at Kate on the opposite side of the table that was filled with fruits, sweets and chilled beverages for the hot summer day.

"I am pleased to meet you too, Your Grace." Kate smiled. "Daphne has told me so much about you and little Augie is such a lovely child. And I must congratulate you on soon receiving another, Daphne just told us the wonderful news this morning!"

"Yes, congratulations to you both! Most wonderful news indeed!" Anthony proclaimed with a smile and stood up again. "I shall propose a toast; to my dear sister and my dear friend for being blessed with a second child!"

"Hear, hear!" Violet smiled, as they all joined in on the toast. "And hopefully that child will soon have a cousin." She added, with a wink of her eye towards Kate and Anthony.

"And with the great diligence put into that matter, I am sure it will happen quite soon indeed..." Benedict guffawed, mostly to Colin, but loud enough for the whole table to hear and for Anthony to give him a murderous – but also slightly amused – look. The corner of Kate's lip twitched as well and underneath the table she let her fingers absentmindedly caress her belly. She had felt the changes in her body already for quite some time. It was getting ready, making itself prepared for something new, something big to happen. She had noted the increase of her appetite, the swelling of her breasts, the peculiar fancies regarding different kinds of foods and the changing of previously well-known smells. And now at last, even the quite evident absence of her monthly courses. Nevertheless, she still felt like she did not want to get Anthony's hopes up, perhaps in vain, and had refrained from sharing these suspicions with him before she was undoubtedly certain of her condition. Soon she would call on a doctor and know for sure, this she had decided. She stopped caressing her belly through the smooth fabric of her purple dress and squeezed Anthony's hand instead, sending a quick smile his way. Simon smirked fondly at their affection.

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