How I came up with my story 'The Way Things Happen'

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Author's Note

I have been asked how I came up with my story 'The Way Things Happen'. When that story evolved from this. This is about four years old. I was changing files on my mom's computer that were mine when I came across it again. It is  Background Information for the character I was going to be in a RPG game for Bleach.  I still liked the character so I made something out of it. Some things are the same some are way different. It even comes with a really bad drawing of mine XD

Name: Katsumi Ichigawa

Birth date: October 13

Gender: Female

Affiliation: Soul Society, Gotei 13

Rank: Lieutenant for squad 13

Age: Shinigami: 283  Human: 17

Hair Color: brown with red tips

Hair Style: Long with long side bangs

Eye Color: Grey

Height:  5’3    1.52m

Weight:  135lbs. 61.23 kg


           Wears the standard Shihakusho with Lieutenant badge. Carries Zanpakutō on left hip. Wears black eye liner and green eye shadow. And has green headband.


           Extremely thorough, responsible, creative  and dependable. Mentally quick, and able to see possibilities. Interested in understanding and helping people. Has an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities. Very intuitive about people, and concerned for their feelings.


Crushes: Renji and Grimmjow (Love his Name)

Friends: Ichigo, Renji, Shinji, Orihime, Yumichika, Nel, Rangku, Ikkaku, and Hanataro.

Enemies: Rukia (Just cause Renji loves her and my character loves him)


Died at the age of 17 in a car accident. Katsumi was sent to Rukon District 79, Kusajishi. She spent 23 years alone until she met an older girl named Niyomi Fujimaki, Who became her older Sister. Their lives were happy. Niyomi later met a man his name was Masayoshi Ichigawa. Niyomi married him and they all moved to Rukon District 78, Inuzuri, Where he lived. Katsumi took his last name to because she too became part of his family. A few years later Niyomi and Masayoshi had a son. They let Katsumi name him and she named him Hajime. Katsumi and Hajime went everywhere together. He looked up to her. The four of them were like the perfect family.

 When Hajime was about 5 years old his father died from sickness. Niyomi didn’t take Masayoshi’s death well. She had stop leaving the house. The only reason why she even got out of bed was because of Hajime. 2 years later Niyomi was murdered. Katsumi was working when some of the village women came to get her. They told her that they had heard screaming and crying coming from her home. Katsumi ran home to find Niyomi dead and Hajime hiding in the back room. Katsumi held Hajime and they cried together.

Katsumi decided that they needed a better life and the only way was for her to become a Shinigami. Katsumi passed the entrance exam and was place into class #1 at the Shinigami Academy. She graduated 3 years early. Katsumi joined as an unseated officer of squad 13. She was the youngest one the squad. Captain Ukitake saw potential in her and asked Katsumi to fill his second seat. She grew very close to Captain Ukitake; he treated her like his own child. He even let Hajime live in the squad’s barracks. In Katsumi’s free time, she trained with Hajime so that one day he too could become a Shinigami. Katsumi Enjoys going to the World of the Living. She first went with Hanataro after he told her about the different things there. She wants stories to tell Hajime.

 Katsumi fell in love with Renji when Ukitake sent her and Rukia with paper work for squad 6. It was the first thing Katsumi was asked to do as Lieutenant. She was worried about making sure she didn’t mess anything up. Katsumi wasn’t looking where she was walking and she tripped with the stack of papers. And with luck Renji caught her. He laughed and smiled at her then he took the papers. But Katsumi could tell by the way Renji talked and looked at Rukia that he loved her.

Likes: Bleach, Drawing, Anime, Manga, The color Green, Television, animals, Making friends, <3 Ichihime <3, other girls liking Bleach, Video Games,

Dislikes:  the color Pink

Battle Data

Fighting Style:

Zanjutsu and Hand-to-hand combat

Offense: 100

Defense: 96

Agility (Shunpo/Sonido): 77

Kido: 45

Intelligence: 93

Physical Strength (Hakuda): 79

Total: 490


Zanpakuto/Shikai name:Inshō-tekina mamushi (striking viper)

Release command: Hitokuchi (bite)

Shikai Description: Poison-Type Zanpakutō, The hilt is black and green and the guard is the head of a green Viper with it mouth open showing its fangs

Shikai abilities:

            The poison slowly Weakens the opponents senses(sight, smell, hearing, ect.) each time the blade cuts them.

 Doesn’t have a Bankai

How I came up with my story 'The Way Things Happen'Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant