[22nd Chapter: A Picture Perfect Reality]

Start from the beginning

What...? Boyfriend...?

Okay yeah i'm going crazy. He soon shook his head to calm down. "Y/nnnnnn! Don't be so cold! Besides, you're the one to accept my feelings back in junior high!! No turning back nowww~" He teases as he wraps his arms around my shoulder. He tried to peck my cheek, before I covered his mouth with my hand.

He starts to complain as he continues to jump up and down. "Don't be like that!! You're being awfully cold to me today...." He pouts. As he fakes some tears. I look at him up and down, getting a full clean look at him. Wait, has he become taller...? He soon shook off the facade he put on to make me feel quilty. And just took my hand and dragged me away. "Cmon~~ Natsuhiko and Sakura are waiting for us!!" And with that, we descended to the rooftop.

Natsuhiko and Sakura sat there patiently, talking to one another. They both were sat on a spreaded out picnic blanket, with four bento boxes settled on top. I'm in between Sakura and Natsuhiko, sighing a bit. Tsukasa didn't want to sit across from me, so he shoved Natsuhiko off with a swift kick, before plopping right beside me, smiling brightly at me.

Sakura started to talk about classes, and talked to Tsukasa about his grades, which he responded with silence, and a creepy grin. Sakura rolled her eyes and moved her attention to the brown haired boy. I awkwardly sat there, trying to make sense of this situation... What Universe did I get transported in??? Tsukasa's alive, AND a student council member... And is now sitting with Natsuhiko, Sakura and I.

I glanced over to Tsukasa, and he was digging into his onigiri. Bits of rice splattering across his mouth and cheeks. I giggled a bit, kind of enjoying this scenery. Bright rays of the sun above shining down, embracing me with its warmth. The sky was clear as day, and Natsuhiko ranted about some movie he wants to go watch. Which he invited all three of us to go to. For once, Sakura considered the offer. Before, Natsuhiko said it could be a double "date". Which earned a clear smack on the head and a no from Sakura and her book.

I laughed at this, as Natsuhiko begs for her to accept his invitation. I was gonna ask Tsukasa about it, completely forgetting the situation I'm in... before it showed me the messy childish state he was in. His mouth, chin and cheeks were covered in rice and some mayonnaise. I took out a napkin from my bag, Before i held his chin with my free hand, while the other wiped his mouth.

When I stopped, and pulled away. He let out a simple "Thanks!" before coming in for another kiss, before I covered his mouth with my hand. And shook my head. He pouted a bit, before a devious idea came to mind. He licks my hand. Before standing up and running off.

"EW- GROSS!! TSUKASA-" I stood up and chased after him. My yelling caught Natsuhiko and Sakura's attention. They looked back at one another and smiled.

I continued to chase Tsukasa. Puffing up my cheeks while I continued to chase him around the rooftop. He would constantly stick his tongue out to me, while continuing to run off. I was getting tired and frustrated at this point, before the sounds of the bells beckoning me to go back to class. I stopped and a smile came across my face. An idea also popped up, looking over at Tsukasa.










For the entire day, between breaks. I would constantly test him, and tease him about being dead. Which he only shook his head at. And respond in a more- calmer, but still childish manner.

I also REFUSED to believe him and I were together... I even told him about it, and he went around asking everyone if we were together. And all of them said yes. Trying to prove to me that he was real... But even with all this- aliveness. He still clung to me, and acted like his usual self.

Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yugi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now