CHAPTER 30 - A Kiss in the Bleachers!

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The whirlwind of emotions that Hermione stirred within me left me utterly bewildered. One moment she kissed me, and the next she pushed me away. She professed her love, only to walk away from me again. I couldn't make sense of her actions, and the confusion was eating at me. Seeking some clarity, I decided to turn to my closest friends, Blaise, Neville, Harry, and Ron, for a much-needed "Boy's Night."

As the evening approached, we gathered in the Special common room, which we decided would be the neutral ground for our reunion. We had an assortment of drinks and snacks, ready for a night of laughter, camaraderie, and, of course, discussions about girls.

"Cheers to Boy's Night... where we can be ourselves and forget about our problems..." Blaise said, raising a butterbeer with a smile.

"Indeed... man, I needed this break... Ginny's driving me crazy..." Harry vented with a frustrated expression.

"Mate... careful... that's my sister you're talking about..." Ron warned him, making me chuckle.

"Poor Harry... you can tell me, Potter... what is it?" I asked him, pulling him aside.

"She's still 17... and she keeps wanting to... you know..." Harry said. I paused for a second, then I burst out laughing.

"Mate... that's not a problem at all..." I said in between laughs, as Harry pouted.

"Well, it is for me... I know her entire family and all of her five big brothers... I want to wait until she's 18 to do it..." He confessed. I sighed in understanding.

"Okay, okay... I get it... look..." I started. "Why don't you... do other stuff to her to... you know... calm her down..." I insinuated. Harry took a second, but then his eyes widened in understanding.

"Oh... I haven't even thought of that... good one..." He said as we rejoined the others.

"Tell me about it..." Neville was saying. "Luna is a freak at it..." he boasted, making me wide my eyes.

"Pansy is all drama... I can't take it anymore... she hasn't even told me she likes me yet..." Blaise confessed, looking down.

I patted him on the back. "Mate... I can't believe you've been in love with Pansy this whole time..." I said, earning a chuckle from the other boys.

"Speaking of drama... mate..." Ron said, redirecting his attention to me. "What is going on between you and Mione?" He asked me.

I sighed. "I wish I knew... one moment, she blows me off in Australia... then she chases after me... gets really pissed of seeing me with Astoria... then she punches Astoria in the face and tells me she wants me... but then... get this... she walks away from me again..." I vented.

"That's strange... Hermione doesn't strike me as someone who beats around the bush, you know..." Neville said, his eyebrow raised.

"I feel like I'm losing my mind... I don't know what else to do to prove to her that I'm in love with her..." I confessed.

Ron widened his eyes. "Oh... I got an idea... the younger members of the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams invited us to join in on their next match... we could all participate and that would be the perfect moment for you to confess your love publicly, mate..."

"That's actually a brilliant idea..." I said, intrigued. "I think she's gonna love me making a scene..."

"Yep... the great Draco Malfoy... composed and collected pureblood making a scene? Romantic..." Neville teased, earning a soft punch on the shoulder from me.

We laughed and talked all night, and then we ended up all falling asleep in the commom room after three rounds of firewhisky.

The next day, Blaise and I went searching for the new members of the Slytherin team to join in on training, while Harry and Ron went to the Gryffindor members to join in on their previous spots for the upcoming Gryffindor versus Slytherin match. They excitedly welcomed us. I took my place as the Seeker and temporary Captain, and Blaise took his place as the Keeper.

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