001: The New World

Start from the beginning


Night time 

The Moon was now high up in the night sky

Both Ami and Purple we're now walking into another forest.

Purple: Ami... thanks to that adventure we had, I think it's safe to say I'm in another world right?

Ami nods as suddenly, something catches her eye, it was a crystal that was next to the bush.

Seeing this, she runs to grab it but she step on some kind of tail which belonged to Giant wolf who had sprung out of the bush, roaring.

Purple grew wide eyed

Purple: What the?, you don't see that everyda-

Ami screams out in terror and seeing this, Purple Dashes towards her, Holding out his hand but...

Purple: !?

The Fire wolf Then immediately shoots out a purple fireball at Ami only for Purple pushes her away, letting him get hit but he expected to hit him, it instead exploded which sent him back crashing through a tree.

Ami seeing this cries out to him as another ringing sound filled Purple ears, his head was aching once again before he blacks out.


After a short time, Purple woke up, the headache he has is now gone but the first thing he sees was a woman with pale skin, white hair and dark pink eyes looking down on him.

Normally, many would freak out seeing a scary sight but for Purple is not, he just look at her neutral.

???: Good your awake. 

Purple: Who the hell are you?

???: That's not important right now but you noticed it too didn't you? the gravity, density, strength and specific weight are all completely different to what you are used to. Practically, that makes you some sort of "Super Being."

Purple: Huh... Guess I'm not the only one who notice it...

???: ..... Okay but what's important is for you to help that girl. 

Hearing this Purple grew Worry and concerned as he immediately got up

Purple: Oh! Ami!

The Woman then hand him Ami's headband as he grabs hold it.

???: You need to give this back for her, for without this headband, her vitality will drop to a critical point where she might not make it.

Purple: Oh no I better get her now.

???: You better be, but without this. 

The woman gave Purple a Visor and a Large gun.

???: Here's the things will help you further on in the future, take it as a welcoming gift.

Purple: Danke, I will get used to it.

???: People can be very cruel just thinking that you are different, I hope you don't suffer the same fate I did in this world. 

Hearing this, Purple frown a bit before he gave a long sigh.

Purple: Oh please, like I care for people's discrimination, besides I already gotten used to getting called Mysterious person, but I went already went through worse than that.

The woman hearing this grew confused not until she saw purple eyes. 

Purple quickly puts on the visor as then it activates and shows Ami location, he then looks at the weapon in his hand as he puts it on his back, not until he has a holster, it was a dagger. before he leaves look back at the mysterious woman.

Purple: Also... thanks for the gift vampire lady.

???: How did you!?

Purple Smirk before he runs off, leaving the woman still shock behind.

???: That boy.... His eyes....


Purple was now shown, Jumping tree to tree fast like an expert of parkour (his used to be an Parkour jumping to building to building) 

His eyes glowed purple through the visor.

Purple: Finally, I can feel my old strength is getting back... enough chit chatting myself, i need to get Ami now. 

Purple sees that he's getting closer to Ami as when he Jumps, He saw that he ended up jumping on a cliff, seeing this deadpan before falling.

Luckily, he landed on the ground unharmed as he looks around.

Purple: Alright Ami... Where are you.

Soon his eyes landed on the ground unharmed as he looks around.

Purple: Ah... there you are now.

Her runs over to her and quickly put the headband back on her head, doing this, she was slowly regenerating her health but then Purple Visor beep as its detector presence, three of them they were the fire wolves, one being the same that attacked them before. 

Purple: Erghh... I don't have time for you three. 

He quickly put Ami on his back and starts running away and the wolves chases after Purple.

They started firing fireballs at him as he dodges them out but one unexpectedly exploded right in front of purple. 

This made purple fall as he and Ami went tumbling on the ground, with latter still in his arms as he took most of the hits 

Purple slowly gets up and look to see Ami, still unconscious as he sigh in relief. suddenly it started raining as the wolves were coming closer.

Hearing them, Purple made an hand gesture. (It was his Cloning implemented to his body but it only summons his specialties) he summons his marksman dress in yellow suit with a neck warmer. 

The Wolves fired more fireballs at Purple only for his Clone quicky shot it away like he parried it away.

Purple: Hehe...I have no other choices.

Yellow: Indeed, it seems this situation makes more interesting.

The Wolves stop and looks in shock as they started to shake a bit when they saw both of them having a glowing eye.

Yellow: Well then, No time waste... Let waste this wolve for good.

Purple: Good enough.

Both Dashes forward to the wolves and attack them.


^ Yellow Weapon resemble of a pistol (Duh) but there's more of it Hehe

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^ Yellow Weapon resemble of a pistol (Duh) but there's more of it Hehe...

After for a good minute battling the fire wolves, they knocked them out cold. with some of their body having some minor Injuries

Purple Sheathed his dagger.

Purple: Well then... it's good to see you again yellow..

He fist bump his Clone or Yellow making yellow Reemerge. and let out a Yellow particle.

Purple: *Sigh* Welp... That was a good fight.

He Turned around and saw Ami awake and Alright, Looking at him in awe, Before smile at him.

Through her smile, it made Purple feel Warm and Relaxed, something he had before in his world.

Purple walks toward Ami with a Smile as he pats her head

Purple: heh... your cute you know that right?

Ami just nods with a small blush as he leans onto purple headpats. 

it's not necessarily to mention but as you can see. 

One having both of these two together in this world

A world full of mystery and wonders.



Purple: Uh... this Is...

Both Purple and Ami were now standing in front of giant gate, as Ami start leading him inside.

  To be continued
Word Count: 2400+

So The reason i made this because i was bored and also got interested in.

If you going to ask why im taking so long, because I have need to rest my mind and either playing some game or resting.

Anyway Gwain saga art style is Cute! ^o^

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