
        The following morning was cooler than the day before, with a light dusting of snow over everything. Alex and Ixillius woke up to Mikey and Verus arguing through the latest assessment she was forcing him to do. Verus complained bitterly as he completed every physical task and then sat – sullen and glaring – as she checked his heart rate, blood pressure, and everything else she could do with the limited supplies she had. He was badly winded from the small exertion, and the frustration was clear on his face. Mikayla didn't bother to say anything about the poor results, she just promised to monitor his improvements. Verus limped to the wash stand as she cleaned up her things, cursing that even after completing all the exercises he still wasn't allowed to have his cane.

        Ixillius dressed quickly and attempted to leave earlier than normal due to the hanging gloom the testing created, but Alex stopped him. They argued in whispers as she pulled the little lock and key from his cloak pocket, making him grudgingly lock the collar in place. Alex took the key from his hand and kissed his jaw, dropping the key into the same little purse with her mother's medallion.

        Per their usual habits, Alex pulled on her armor after Ixillius left for morning orders and then she and Verus helped each other fasten up. She got Max harnessed while Mikey packed their things, and then loaded everyone's kits from Verus's tent onto the mare so that Marcus could tear down both Verus's tent and the one he was borrowing from Ixillius. The cavalrymen of the 1st and 1st waited until Alex walked Max and the mare out of the pen before disassembling and packing up the fencing. Everything was happening a lot faster, and with a lot higher spirits, under the knowledge that tonight they would be outside Verona.

        When Ixillius and Quintus strode to the front of the line to start the march, all of the 1st and 1st was in place and waiting – the first time Alex had seen that happen while on march with them – and Verus chided the men harshly, gaining cheers and snide rebuttals in return. Ixillius picked a faster walking pace than usual and there were still merchants and families passing the front of the line to get ahead of the men so they could be ready for Market Day tomorrow, but remain close enough to be associated with the rumors and stories that plagued the Legion.

        Mikey did better at ignoring the stares from people and Verus did his best to deflect the shouted questions but, even to Alex, seeing Verus and Mikey conversing in a cart pulled by Max left an impression of otherworldliness. As well, Ixillius – standing taller than almost everyone else – walking beside Max as the warhorse often nosed at him for pats and rubs, with Hades pecking at him from his perch on Max's withers begging for attention, left more than one family staring open-mouthed from where they'd stopped on the side of the road to allow the Legion right-of-way.

        Now-familiar messengers came and went throughout the morning, ferrying information to and from the new Legate. Ixillius converted the messages into orders and sent them back along the line as needed, ensuring that Minerva's 1st would arrive in order for Verus's older brother, Legate Ennius Celsus Mirificus, to take command. Ixillius had promised Aetius that he would bring a Legion and not broken mob, and he didn't want to break the promise in the final hours of the march.

        Alex hadn't known what to expect when they arrived, despite the order that Ixillius was to have everyone formally assembled in a finished camp as soon as possible, but being completely ignored wasn't a scenario that had crossed her mind. The men didn't seem out of sorts, though, and they established the camp and fortifications to include the new tents in the shortest amount of time she'd ever seen. Alex took her place beside Ixillius – at the opposite shoulder to Quintus – as the Legion assembled behind them on the Parade Ground built into the encampment for this assembly.

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