Chapter 1

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[Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching our next station. The next stop is Correl North Train Station. Please, gather your belongings and prepare to exit the train]

The once-quiet train cabin before the announcement became busy. Passengers prepared their luggage; kids grew restless with excitement and there were just other passengers who remain seated.

Caleb was one of them.

Caleb woke up due to the distinctive announcement inside the train. He rubbed his eyes and stretched his body. It was a long journey from the north to the central city of Correl, so he was a bit exhausted.

Nevertheless, Caleb was in awe once the train passes the tunnel. Several trees greeted them in the first second, then the city of Correl appeared from afar yet seemingly small distance. Caleb got from his seat and moved closer to the window.

Caleb whistled.

How enormous Correl City is.

Compared to the town he came from, Correl City is like a big lake while his hometown resembled a pond.

“I bet my chicken’s eggs for weeks, you’ll get lost in that city, eh”

Caleb chuckled when he remembered his friend’s unnecessary remarks. As if that will ever happen. Caleb came prepared. He has a big map of Correl in his bag, a compass and he even practiced speaking like a city boy so that he can ask the people for directions.

Caleb was lost to the scenery he sees in the window. He even took out the camera he often used in photographing to capture several things that seemed odd to him but in other people, it’s just an ordinary railroad.

[Attention, passengers. We are now arriving at Correl North Station. Please, stand clear of the doors until they are fully open. Please, make sure to gather all your belongings before exiting the train.]

Caleb instantly gathered his personal things inside his cabin and stuffed them inside his bag. He slung his camera around his neck and stepped his foot on the chair to take his luggage above him.

It was quite heavy and he almost dropped it.

“Heh, heh. That was close”

Soon after, Caleb felt the train stop and he held his breath for a second. He’s suddenly feeling nervous.

[Sound of door opening]

” Son, do not be afraid. All people are the same if you treat them the way you want to be treated, I am sure you will be fine. Strengthen your heart”

“There are a lot of people. If they meet you, they’ll want to be friends with you”

“What’s so scary about people in the city? My
Ursula is scarier” This one is talking about his male carabao which is about twice the size of regular cows. It has big horns too.

Before boarding the train, a lot of people from his town went together to bid him goodbyes. They said a lot of advice but these three came to his mind.

Caleb, who was feeling scared, clenched his fist as he holds tightly his bag and luggage.

‘I can do this! I am strong! Ricky is right!’

Caleb is a passionate and optimistic young man. He came to the big city alone and that’s more than enough to be scared but Caleb puts his heart at ease and strengthens it.

However, going back to what his friend said. Is it not scarier if his friend continues to call his male carabao with a woman’s name? The male carabao has feelings too.

[Passengers, this is Correl North Station. Welcome to the City of Correl. Thank you for traveling with us. Please remember to take your belongings with you]

Carrying his heavy luggage, Caleb exited the train just like other passengers. Upon stepping foot on the platform, Caleb has finally reached his destination.

One thing he first noticed is the big sign that says;

Welcome to Correl City

It was written in bold letters that everyone would read if they slightly look up. It is just four words but something warm rushed into Caleb’s insides. He doesn’t want people to brag that he’s a countryside boy because he’s ignorant to things but he can’t suppress the goofy smile on his lips.

Right, he can’t help it. It’s only normal for young boys like him.

AS he was feeling the moment, something fast flashed in front of him.


…He didn’t even notice it.

But the guard near Caleb did.

“Your wallet was snatched”

Caleb, an enthusiastic young boy who traveled far to live his college city life, failed to notice his jaw falling as he and the guard stare at each other.

"... my... let...?" Caleb can ot find his voice to speak.

"The snatcher ran that way, Sir. Go get it"

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