Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Lost and Found (3)

“Are you all right, madam?” this unknown man asked in sincerity but his face looks cold, stoic.

It was a sudden appearance of this unknown man, so the woman got her guard up. Especially that this man seemed annoyed but tries to hide it.

However, the woman still gave him a reply.

“M-Me? Ah, yes! I am all right!”

This unknown man scanned the woman in front of him. Once this man confirmed her condition, his shoulders relaxed. He turned to Caleb who was watching them then back to the woman.

“I would like to introduce myself.” He paused, then took out his wallet. “I am a third-year student of Correl State University. I major in Law”

Then he presented a university identification card. Seeing this, the woman instantly dropped her guard down and relaxed. She even moved closer to this unknown man.

On the other hand, upon hearing this limited information from this unknown man, people whispered and it became bustling with noises. Correl State University is a proud college institute in Correl. It housed elite students who graduated and topped the bar. If you ask any of these people about their dream university, nine out of ten will say ‘that’ university.

Even Caleb who came from the countryside is aware of this fact.

When he heard the unknown man mention his major, he flinched. Startled to his core.

It’s over.

Everyone already believes he is guilty. It was a misunderstanding but people don’t believe him so, the involvement of someone who oversees the law… can make this misunderstanding a horrifying truth.

Fear is evident in Caleb. His lips trembling, his whole body is trembling.

No, it cannot be.

He can accept their harsh words but he cannot afford to stain his family name.

“Is that true? Oh, my! “The woman reacted happily.

She wants the police to take care of that boy but they are not there yet. Good thing this good Samaritan stepped up and---- that’s what she’s thinking.

However, it was halted when this good Samaritan she deems spoke.

“May I see your identification, please”

This unknown requested her and the woman obliged.


She rummaged through her bag and took her wallet out then handed her identification card.

Maricel Garcia.

Aged 26.

The unknown man read the id card. After scanning it, he handed it back to the woman.

“It must’ve been a surprise to you, Madam. If you don’t mind, would you like telling what are you doing at this train station?”

“U-Uh, is there any reason for that, student?”

“Yes, it is, Madam.”

“But, why? That man took a picture under my dress. He looks so young but… but, he’s already immoral. “

The woman named Maricel Garcia cannot contain her emotions anymore. She burst into tears and sobbed. Seeing this did not help Caleb’s situation at all. Instead, it added fuel. The whispers got louder, and some even fished out their phone and started recording.

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