16-sext in private

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                            the gays



prettyboyethan-THROWING UP

prettyboyethan-KICKING MY FEET

prettyboyethan-FOAMING AT THE MOUTH

prettyboyethan-GOING FERAL

therapyqueen-Ethan, sweetie, are you okay?

tarantula-what is happening

dumpsterfire-that's how I act when I see a photo of Mindy

dumpsterfire-Mindy is really hot

revisingmylist-thank you, my love:)

dumpsterfirr-you're welcome baby :)

prettyboychad-no she's not (JOKING JOKING)

revisingmylist-stop breathing

prettyboychad-you would miss me if I died :)

revisingmylist-I wouldn't (I would miss you a lot)

mommasboy-is my boy Ethan okay??

sexpositive-he's currently screaming still

prettyboyethan-NO I'M NOT

sexpositive-don't you dare lie

prettyboychad-is my boyfriend okay?? I leave him with you for one day and he's going insane

sexpositive-oh, he's fine

mommasboy-you sure?? he's screaming

sexpositive-if anything, it's Chad's fault Ethan's like this



dumpsterfire-WHAT DID YOU DO?!

prettyboychad-I DON'T KNOW

prettyboychad-I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING

sexpositive-Ethan saw a photo of Chad when going through his highlights and just thought it was the hottest thing ever

prettyboyethan-it is the hottest thing ever!

prettyboychad-what photo was it, baby?

mommasboy-I get to be the judge if Ethan's reaction is valid or not

dumpsterfire-me too! me too!

prettyboychad-oh lordy

dumpsterfire-I love judging people!!

sexpositive-me too!


prettyboyethan-FOAMING AT THE MOUTH

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prettyboyethan-FOAMING AT THE MOUTH

prettyboychad-that photo? i'm literally a cowboy standing in front of the american flag

prettyboyethan-AND IT'S HOT

mommasboy-I'm hearing Ethan out

dumpsterfire-so am I and I like women

homobutphobic-Wes, take that back right now

tarantula-Vince has been summoned

dumpsterfire-Vince, you're telling me you don't find that photo hot

homobutphobic-well uh

mommsasboy-spit it out baby

prettyboyethan-oh that's hot and it wasn't even targeted at me

therapyqueen-STOP BEING HORNY

sexpositive-love, you're one to talk

therapyqueen-shut up

homobutphobic-okay yeah, the photo is hot

mommasboy-THANK YOU!

prettyboyethan-hey, only I'm allowed to call him hot

prettyboychad-Ethan, baby, text me privately

therapyqueen-yeah, go sext in private

prettyboyethan-we're not gonna sext tho??

dumpsterfire-no one asks their boyfriend to text them privately after a conversation like this if they don't want to sext

revisingmylist-and ik my brother, he's a horny lil guy

tarantula-have funnnn

mommasboy-don't get too hornyyy


prettyboychad-he won't be at your apartment much longer :)

prettyboychad-now Ethan, text me

prettyboyethan-yes sir


*private chat between Chad & Ethan*

Ethan-you wanted me to text you??

Chad-yes I did

Chad-you really liked that photo, huh?


Ethan-you looked so good, baby

Ethan-had me feeling things and my mind wandering

Chad-I like hearing that

Chad-what were you thinking about?

Ethan-how good your abs looked

Ethan-and how I wanted your hands around my throat

Chad-go on :)

Ethan-do I really have to tell you everything?

Chad-yes or I won't come get you

Ethan-ughhh I hate you

Chad-no you don't :)

Ethan-i want you to fuck me until I'm begging you to stop

Ethan-i want you so bad

Chad-not good enough baby

Ethan-I'm craving your dick

Ethan-I want you to tease me until I'm begging you

Ethan-I want you all to myself

Chad-on my way :)

A/N-my bad, i forgot i existed

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