Chapter 2

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Jade's POV

I sit in my bed thinking about the play. Why does life hate me? I mean this play just happens to be similar to mysituation. What a coincidence.I need to stop thinking Tori and the play. I get up and go to my little brother, Jason, room. He is 6. I open the door and see him playing with his lego's.

"Hey Jase" I said in a gentle voice.

"Hi Jadey" he said getting up to hug me then going back to playing with his lego's.

"You want any help building that" I asked.

"Yes please" he smiled at me and I smile back sitting next to him. You see I practically raised Jason. My mom and dad always working and don't have time for us. After he was born she spent about 2 months actually caring for him then she went back to working all the time and left me in charge of him.

My no good father wasn't even there when he was born I had to drive my mother to the hospital. I remember one time me and Jase were watching TV and he called me mom. I froze and looked at him.

Then he started crying and saying he was sorry for calling me that. I felt so happy at that moment. I hugged him and told him that I wasn't mad he called me mom.

Then the rest of the day we just watched cartoons. I had felt like I finally met something to someone. I mean I know Beck loves me but I'm talking about family love since I never had any from my mother and father.

"Jade" Jase called out. I snap out my thoughts a looked at him.

"Yes" I asked him.

"We're done" he said looking at the lego's. I looked at them and realised that we had built a ship.

"Oh" I said getting up. "I'm going down stairs if you need me" as I walk out he mumble an 'ok'. I go down stairs a watch The Scissoring. After that was over right got bored and called Beck.

"Hey babe" he said into the phone.

"Hey, I'm bored so you wanna come over" I asked still looking at the TV

"Yeah I'll be right over" he said then hung up. I sighed. I have to tell him I don't like him like I used to but I don't know when. Plus I don't want to hurt his feelings. I guess he was kind of my safe zone.

The bell rings and I go to open it and I'm surprised to see Vega standing there looking uneasy. I quickly covered up my surprised face to an emotionless expression.

"What are you doing here" I snarled at her.

"W-well I came o-over to p-practice the play" she stuttered out.

"I'm having company over" I tell her

"Jade we need to practice this scrip " she says a little more confident.

"Fine" I sighed out. I open the door wider for her to come in. When she walk pass me I stare at her ass. I sighed again and pull out my phone and text Beck that something unexpected came up and he couldn't come over.

He said it was alright. I walk into the living room and look at Tori sitting down. I'm not looking forward to this.

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