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 Hello,  Shin Hyeok-U. Good thing we didn't kill you. I couldn't move my body, but I lunged at Mrs. Chu, I didn't even mean to. She tried to run but I managed to move the stuff near the doorway to block it. Like the force- am I a Sith now or something? She spoke in this communicator thing, "He's here! In Hyeok-U's body!" She kicked me off and we started fighting, I did moves I would never be able to do before. I wanted to say sorry for what's happening but my face was stuck with a smile. We continued to fight, I hit with roundkicks, punches some other stuff with abnormal strength. Its not even my own strength.. "Mrs. Chu didn't really hit me, well she couldn't.  The fight lasted until the others came in. I think her name is like...  Do Ha-na? Ha-na went to Mrs. Chu's aid and Mun leaped towards me, I grabbed these weights and he took them as well, I tried hitting him with it but the things wouldn't budge. He said, "You cowardly evil spirit! I'll kill you." He headbutted me and I fell to the ground. He pinned me down so I couldn't get back up, and before I could react, he started punching the hell out of me. That felt familiar. Then something felt wrong again. I could feel and move my body again, a black mist thing came out of my mouth and it felt like all the air just left my body. Relieving but ow...

I black out once again.

So-Mun POV

We drive back to Mayor Shin's house, the spirit left Hyeok-U's body, and he passed out. I feel bad, I didn't want to hurt him, but we had to get the spirit. It's just that- I sortof- I sortof like him. I mean- I know he was mean to me, Joo-Yeon, and Ung-Min, but I just fell in love. I gotta tell him that, but after we beat his dad's ass. Sorry. We arrive but Mo-Tak and Jeong-Gu are walking out. Did they beat him? Then I notice the trail of blood following Jeong-gu. He was stabbed in the neck. Mo-Tak looked horrified. "JEONG-GU, STAY WITH ME, PLEASE! JEONG-GU! JEONG-GU! HELP US! MUN- SUMMON THE TERRITORY-" They fall to their knees, Jeong-Gu falls to the ground, and a blue mist floated out to the sky, his soul, he's dead. Mo-Tak calls his name, frantically, as though it would save him. The soul then hits me. Great I guess I'm a double counter or something. It feels like I've been struck by lightning, but I manage to get back up on my feet, "Don't die. Not a single one of you. I don't want anyone to die from this moment on." Not sure where I got that but it was awesome.

We head back, Mo-Tak was unusually quiet. He had lost three people on this attempt to get Cheong-sin after all. I see that Hyeok-U is still knocked out so I bring him home once again. After putting him on my bed I decide to look at him memories.

Hyeok-U strangling his unconscious dad at the hospital. Why did he do that? Him getting in a car with his dad, Mayor Shin grabs his neck, "Listen up, son. I don't care who it is. If anyone tries to stop me, I'll kill them all. So...if its too tough to cause no trouble at school...let me know now." His dad is home, he bows and keeps his head low until Mayor Shin walks away. He almost bursts to tears. Jeez- is he ok? Him in the closet as a child, crying, "I'm sorry. Please let me out. I'm sorry, dad." I stop looking from then. His dad is truly evil, he had to go through that? I say, "You must have a lot of memories you wanted to forget. I lay my head on the mattress and we fall asleep.




I go to get changed in the morning, when I go back to my room, Hyeok-U's awake. "You're awake." He answers with "What is this? Why am I back here?" "Come on, lets eat." Grandma seems to have forgotten him again, "Ah! Why is there two kids in our house? Honey?" and she forgot me. It's fine that happens. She looks at him like he's the most beautiful person she's ever seen, I guess I'm not the only one. We go to eat again. He shyly says, "Hello.." Probably dazed, I'm not sure. After eating he goes to somewhere else. "You can stay a bit longer." He replys "No thank you, I'm going home." "You don't want to go home, thats why you came here." Ung-Min arrives, he looked reluctant but I managed to convince him, he says "My family runs a vacation villa, you can stay there if you want."

your special guy (So Mun x Shin Hyeok-U story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum