school and soccer team

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a/n :  hey everyone I know my stories are short but I am still learning and I hope you enjoy my story please comment below if you have any complain and also I will try to update as soon as I can thankyou so much.

At the first day of junior high

Kirino's pov
Hey I am kirino ranmaru I am 14 years old. Today is my first day at raimon school honestly I am nervous.I got a full scholarship. I am on my way to school. I accidentally bump into someone.
"I am sorry" i said as the boy with dark blue eyes glared at me and said "watch Where you are going " rude I already apologized. I think he is in raimon school because he is wearing the same uniform as mine but you know mine is a skirt. I am there omg it is so beautiful I am happy and nervous at the same time this is hundred times better than my old school.then I saw akemi and her friends but i have decided to go apply for soccer. But then I really got nervous so I didn't go. The bell rang as I went to my class. The teacher asked me to introduce myself to the class. "hello everyone my name is kirino ranmaru" I said. The teacher asked me to sot down. Later at recess I applied for soccer team.I sat next to a boy with gray hair. "hi my name is shindou takuto"he said.
"hi" I said. As we continued talking I learmed thaf he was on the soccer team and even their captain when I told him I want to join he told me a little tips of how to pass the enterance test. Then the same boy that I met on my way. He gave shindou a glare and introduced himself and sat on his chair.then shindou tell me he was a bully.( he didn't join the fifth sector). Then after class I was going home akemi walked up to me
"hey loser carry mg bags home" she said I have no choice  but to say yes I dont know why she hates me so much actually not only her but my entire family hates me. Maybe I am just a mistake. When I got home I cleaned the house, make dinner and washed the laundry.
Them mom and dad comes home and soon enough akemi got home they got her a brand new iphone. " thanks so much you are the best" she squealed.
I just stare at them then They gave me her old Iphone that dont even work properly.
"what are you waiting for" dad said.
" serve as dinner" as mom continued.I nodded and served the dinner.then when I sat down to eat mom said"go and wash your Dad car " ok I said and went. I started washing dads old taxi and I was starving when I finished they asked me to wash the dishes then they slept.I washed the dishes and ate my dinner and slept. Tomorrow I have an enterance exam for soccer team.
The next day
Kirino's pov
Today I have a enterance exam I woke up and washed my face and etc and went to make a breakfast I made a pancake. Then we started eating  todag they let me eat with them."mom can I join soccer team" I said. "soccer you are a girl Darling " she said."please"I said."do what ever you want" dad yelled. I apologized and continued eating.I hate everything why does my own family hate me what have I done?

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