Jack turned the key and the Corvette's engine roared obligingly as he backed out of the parking space. "Without- because I ain't got that kind of patience right now, darlin'."

"Twenty-five minutes."

"I can beat that time," Jack muttered, and floored the accelerator.

* * *

"Nineteen minutes," Marissa observed, checking her watch as the security door rattled down behind them. Jack didn't get fancy and just pulled the Corvette into the same space she left it parked in last night, and somehow resisted the urge to kiss her again in the damn car and got them both to the elevator.

"Wait," Marissa said as she leaned on his shoulder and pressed her thumb on the fingerprint scanner.

Jack jerked up short, crestfallen. "You change your mind, sugarplum?" He tried to restrain the disappointment in his voice and failed utterly.

"Not a chance, cowboy," Marissa murmured, sounding amused as she brushed another kiss across his jawline, and succeeded in briefly distracting him as she reached out and pushed on one of the ornate tiles in the mosaic surrounding the elevator doors.

The tile clicked, recessed, and slid back to reveal a touchscreen that lit up. The outline of a thumbprint scanner appeared on the screen, as did a tiny keyboard setting, and Marissa took Jack's hand gently and pressed his right thumb onto the thumbprint scanner. It chirped obligingly and a text line appeared.

Add new thumbprint?

Marissa tapped out 'yes' on the keyboard.

Add new security profile?

She tapped 'yes' again.

Enter name appeared on the display.

She tapped in 'Jack Daniels'.

Enter passcode flashed up next.

She considered it a moment, then typed in 'sugarplum' with a rueful smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. "Nine letters," she commented. "Good choice, cowboy."

"Glad you approve, sugarplum." Chuckling, Jack wrapped both arms around her waist, rested his chin on her shoulder and just watched, conscious he was having more fun than he had in an age. He'd been an agent so long, he practically forgot what it felt like to be to be surprised by someone else's technology.

Enter voiceprint appeared next and Marissa just cocked her head and looked up at him, her eyes dancing.

Several responses flashed through Jack's mind but one stood out with such clarity Jack refused to consider the long-term implications of what he was about to say... and just said it.

"I love you, sugarplum," Jack said clearly, and watched as her eyes went huge- with startled hope, he was very glad to see.

The screen flashed Voiceprint accepted- new security profile saved and the tile that concealed it clicked again and slid shut. Once closed, Jack could not see the slightest trace of its presence, it was absolutely identical to all the other tiles.

"Hope it's not too soon to say that," Jack murmured, and as the elevator doors slid open they practically fell into the elevator as Marissa pulled his head down to hers and kissed him with something that felt too close to desperation to sit quite right with Jack.

Kingsman: Statesman Meets ChallengerWhere stories live. Discover now