Chapter 1

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      A/N: hey lovely readers, er... this is kinda ma' first time writing a story on wattpad so pls pardon me if you find any errors ❤❤ XOXO

        As she closed her eyes,  a swift picture of her mom and dad swiped through her mind. It came with a persisting ache in her head and abdomen. She immediately opened her eyes which searched everywhere around her. Her eyes went to different corners of the four walls as if there were something hidden somewhere but seemed unlikely to be found. Her eyes teared up and hot liquid escaped them.

      She was scared to die like her parents did. The sound of a door opening startled her and her attention was swayed away. She looked at the place the sound came from. The room was dark, so she couldn't see clearly. Footsteps were now heard and it got closer every second. Fear overwhelmed her heart as the sound  got louder with every step. She made a silent prayer to God hoping  it wasn't someone dangerous. The footsteps stopped.
        The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed and she felt the aura of someone dangerous, like someone was watching her. She wanted to ask who it was, but the bubbles in her throat wouldn't let her speak. She tried  moving but her hads and legs were tied to a chair. She couldn’t believe that she was actually unaware that her hands and legs were tied to the back of the chair which she sat on. All her struggling would only be in vein and she knew that from the way her hands felt numb.
        "Stop trying, you'll only hurt yourself", she shrieked out of fear as she heard a deep, husky voice speak through the dark.
        "Who are you and what do you want from me?", she asked petrified. It wasn't with a voice that was commanding but it carried fear and a little faked courage.
        The anonymous man walked up to her back and wanted to loose the ropes until she spoke.
        "D-don't touch me", he paused and smirked in the dark. He let go off the ropes and silenced pitched in.
        "You don't want to leave this place?", he asked quizzically and chills went through her spine as she felt his warm breath on her neck.
        'Oh Christ!!, who is this man?', she thought.
        Of course she wanted to leave the God forsaken dark room and also wanted him to loose the ropes, but not in an overly awkward manner. She wasn't in any way comfortable with him behind her back and feeling his warm breath against her neck. It was just beyond her principle and utterly not comprehensive.
        She sighed.
        "Just do it...please", she said as she sighed. He got hold of her hands and started off with untieing the ropes before heading to her legs.
        He was done. 'Thank God', she said, but more to herself. He got to his feet and helped her stand up. It was hard for her to figure out where his hand was, but fortunately he got a good grip of her waist and held her till she could stand on her own.
        "Thank you", she said, but in a whisper. He didn't reply, although she thought he gave an assuring nod.
        "We need to find a way outta here", he said as he let go off her. She was now confused. Were they lost or in some sort of danger. Her heart started racing only by the thought of it. She hadn't yet understood the man she was with and now she was hearing about 'getting out of here'.
        "Where exactly are we?", she asked trying to to summon courage. When he didn't answer her, she gulped in saliva nervously and prayed in heart that they come out alive.
        He grabbed her hand and pulled her to a room only him knew about- as in just between the both of them. At least in this room it was a little brighter and the petrified lady could now see her way. Just a little. She looked around her and saw that there were drawers and lockers placed line by line, leaving about 4.5m spaces between each of it.
        The young man knew what was going on, but wouldn't say. He was in no position to speak to her about it. Just as they were about to cross to the next locker in line, he saw a group of armed men approaching them. The armed men saw him and shot at him.
        BAM BAM BAM.
        They missed it.
        He pulled her close to him and covered her mouth as she shrieked in fear. His index finger went to his lips signalling for her to be quiet. Of course she was not happy with the idea of staying so quiet, cause it cost her, her breath, but unfortunately she had no choice.
        They shot again and bullets went flying to unknown places. Luckily for the two of them, they hid behind another locker that stood three lockers away from where the armed men stood.
        She was now breathing heavily and struggled to keep calm. He held her tight making sure she didn't shake. The sound of big boots got closer by the minute and with every second, fear overwhelmed her. She prayed in her heart so desperately waiting for God to do something about the perplexing situation and when the sound of walking boots stopped, she had mixed feelings of relief and fear. Relief, for they had lost the armed men and fear, for the armed men were behind them.
        He looked down at her and whisper-shouted.
        "RUN!". Without thinking, they both ran as fast as their legs could go and suddenly bullets were flying around. Truly, the scared part of her won, cause they were actually at her back. They both ran fast and the young man lead the way. He took her into an open room and closed the door immediately.
        They had not yet realised what was after them until they turned to find a bunch of men ready to fight. He grabbed her hands and held her behind him.
        "RUN!, I'll  fight 'em off", he said with a slight groan as one of the men came running after him with a blow. He blocked it and returned the attack to him. More men came rushing towards him and he looked back to see that the lady was still watching in fear.
        "I  SAID...RUN!...GETOUT OF HERE!!!", he said in between punches. She couldn't just leave him there alone, she had to help him. She looked around for something to use and hit any of them. Suddenly a man ran to her front with a knife attempting to stab her, but her companion got hold if his hand and used the knife to stab him on the chest instead. Blood was gushing out and his female companion covered her mouth in utter  shock. She looked around and saw the other men lieing unconsciously on the ground. Her gaze returned to the man in front of her, whom was glaring at her.
        "Do you think they'll be fine?", she asked coaxingly and his countenance softened. She probably must have noticed the subtle anger in his gaze and spoke so coyly.
        "Only after 9 months of leaving in the hospital", he said with an unusual yet fine smile. Something he hardly did. She saw him smile and his smile made her smile and all of it. He turned a stern face immediately and walked out on her.
        "Wait for me!!!", she said with her small voice and ran after him. He had an elegant and mature stride as he moved and it was mesmerising to her.  She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts and finally thanked God for bringing them out alive. She finally caught up with him and took in deep sharp breath.
        "You walk too fast", she complained as they were now outside the building and on the sidewalk of the street.
        "Thank you", he answered and she looked at him with squinted eyes. 'It wasn't a compliment' she said in her mind. They both walked in silence and it was starting to get awkward.
        "For a second, I was starting to think they were dead you know", she said breaking the silence.
        "Oh, I don't think so", he said with his usual deep voice. She turned her face to him with a brow up. What did he mean by 'Oh I don't think so?', she thought.
        "They're gonna be fine right?", she asked trying to raise her hopes up. But when he didn't reply, she got worried.
        "You said they were gonna be fine-", she said
        "Only after 9 months of leaving in the hospital, that's what I said", her brows furrowed.
        "And besides they tried to kill us, they tried to kill you", he said with a coarse voice, anger quite visible. He was annoyed. She sighed. She was now completely lost of words and many thoughts ran through her mind. Firstly, who was this man?, what was going on with those men back in there?, and worse, why were those people after her?. All these thoughts made her perplexed.
        "You need to get back home safely and make sure to be security conscious", he said. What was this man even talking about. He hadn't yet explained who he was and now he was talking about going home.
        "Erm... who exactly are you? and  w-why are those men after us?",she asked, really eager to know. He stopped walking and turned to face her.
He understood that things were confusing and complicated, but he didn't want to put to much pressure on her... yet. It was just the first day and all this was happening.
        "I'm Micheal West", he stretched out his right hand.
        "Dianna Russell", she took his hand. To her surprise, his palms were actually soft for a man like himself. He took back his hand and stuck it in his pocket. He took in a sharp, deep breath and looked at her. She returned his gaze to his face waiting for more explanations.
        "Miss dianna, I understand that things are not easy and it really looks strange and complicated for you at this moment, but I don't want to put to much pressure on you", he paused.          
        "For now", he added and she raised a brow.
        "So I want you to go home and take a good nap". He started moving,
        "You really need a good rest", he said in a sincere caring manner. She felt pleased to know that the strange man cared. With grateful eyes, she gazed up at him as he was a head taller than her. She sighed and smiled.
        "When shall we see again Mr West?", she asked and he shrugged. What?!!, he didn't know?.
        "Very soon I guess", he said and greeted her good bye.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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