Chapter 12

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The things l do for my daughter.

Here l am in this mansion that l would rudely kicked out from, geez where's my pride.

"Won't you have more" Madison said gesturing to my food but l honestly had no appetite.

"Am not really hungry" l said nibbling my food.

"Do you want the mean lady's food" Ella said giggling at me and l couldn't help but laugh.
Ella didn't like Selma my head maid but l couldn't say l blamed her because Selma was quite terrifying if you weren't used to her.

"Who's the mean lady "mom asked looking puzzled.

"She's a dragon "Ella said with a horse scary sounding voice and everyone burst out in laughter.

"She's my maid" l said.

"Does she mistreat her" dad asked looking angry

"Nop and assuming that makes me think that you are saying that l am a bad father who would let the person abusing his daughter stay with her but then why am l surprised" l said seething.

"Daddy are you angry"Ella said and l immediately calmed my wits because l couldn't afford to lose my shit in front of my little girl.

"No am just tired" l said sighing and l moved and carried her moving upstairs to the room that was once mine.

"Daddy are you angry at me" Ella asked after l gave her a birth and we were about to sleep.

"No princess, why would you think so" l asked her pulling her closer to me.

"Because daddy looked sooo sooo angry" she said exclaiming the word so and l laughed.

"Daddy can angry at the whole world but never his little girl" l said kissing her forehead

"Then does that mean you're angry at grandma and grandpa" she said raising her eyes and l sighed because l don't want the tension between us to affect Ella at any point but l seem to be hurting her.

"l was angel but not anymore" l said and honestly l don't think l am angry anymore maybe just bitter.

On that note l waited until Ells fell asleep and l went to the sitting room and just as l thought the whole family was watching a movie, in fact it was our family tradition to just chill together after a long day.

"l am tired of all the fights, the bitterness and the anger, my daughter needs peace which is why l've decided to forgive you guys and just move on so we could all live in peace but make no mistake because l may have forgiven you but l won't forget"l said and left before they answered.

My ppl just wanted to let you know that l am alive🤣🤣🤣🤣
Please follow me on Instagram @cresetarp

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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