"Pack for what?"

"To go home." She says and then gets into the car.

"I'm already packed, by the way!" I shout, not expecting them to hear me.

"Great then get in." Alexis yells back.

I notice Hailey roll her eyes, but this might be perfect for us to talk.

I put on my shoes and get into the car. I sit in the back like Hailey and Alexis are my parents and I was a kid who just got into some serious trouble. It was a pretty quiet drive, which I liked. I was not quite sure where we were going but I did not think it would be just the three of us.

When we get there, I see the rest of our friend group. I get out of the car last, and I felt many eyes on me. I find an open seat next to Luka and I sit down.

"Hey." He says.


"How's Matthew?"

"He's good. Why aren't you guys hanging out with him?"

"I don't know. I've known Hailey longer and she told me what happened. I mean it was predictable, but it was weird."

"Ah." I say, looking back at the place we're at. It's pretty nice. There's a great view of the lake from here.

"I'm happy for you guys." He adds.


The rest of the day was just a repeat of that conversation with different people. Everyone but Hailey, who acted like I wasn't there.

Alexis offered to drive me home, and it was another quiet drive back. I got to admire the trees without being interrupted. When Alexis dropped us off, Hailey got out of the car as fast as possible. I stayed back and thanked her, and also told her I was there to talk whenever she needed.

I got out of the car, and still Hailey would not even look in the direction of it. She's already up the steps standing on the porch.

"Come on Hails." I finally say.

"You don't get to call me that anymore." She responds.

"We're best friends. This is a fight about a boy." I shout.

"The boy who happens to be my brother! You didn't even tell me."

"Cause I knew I'd get this reaction from you!" The tears come back. I didn't even use them all up yesterday.

"You lied to me. A big lie. I trusted you."

"I know and I'm sorry. It really wasn't fair to you."

I hear her sniffling. She still won't face me.

"I love you, Hailey. More than anyone. More than any boyfriend I'll ever have. I never want to lose you." I say.

She turns around.

"You mean it?"

"You know I do."

I see her start to cry and I run over to hug her. We both cry quietly into each others arms before going inside.

"I see you two made up?" Ms. Graham says.

"Can't separate the Hailey and Morgan duo." Hailey says with tears sitting on her cheeks, laughing.

I see Matthew walk downstairs.

"You staying for more than one more night then?" He asks.

I look at Hailey.

"Maybe she can." She giggles.

I sit down next to Hailey and we have a great dinner. There was a long conversation about which singer is better which was mostly us against Matthew. We all watched a movie together, Mamma Mia, of course. When Dancing Queen came on, we teased Matthew and eventually got him to sing it with us.

After the movie, I went up and Hailey helped me unpack my stuff. We did some face masks together, and I got Matthew to join.

"Hey did we run out of the lip mask?" I ask.

"Yeah, sorry. I used the last of it." Hailey says.

"I have some on." Matthew says, leaning in to kiss me. Hailey pretends to gag.

"That's gonna take some getting used to." She says, grossed out.

We get into bed and I give Matthew a kiss on the cheek good night as he goes to his room.

"Have you guys, you know." Hailey asks.

"No, no." I shut her down quickly.

"Well, were you guys going to when I saw?"

"I don't know. Probably. Are you okay with that?" I ask.

"I guess. Just don't tell me until like six months after." She says and I laugh.


- Author's note

Total bittersweet moment cause the book is almost done..

No but seriously. This has been an amazing experience. I enjoyed writing it so much and I have loved every bit of support I received while making it.

Thank you all for keeping me motivated to write it all! I can't even express how grateful I am.

Thank you all for keeping me motivated to write it all! I can't even express how grateful I am

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