23. I don't want to Leave You

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"I am not quite fond of fighting" I smiled innocently as Kumiko, my sister, charged along with her swords.

"Then it's not gonna be even fun" she smiled evilly as she tried to pierce my shoulder, as the other swords were surrounding me, ready to slash my back.

I stopped her main sword as in a glance I summoned Eternal Breeze. Hue came back to me as sword and that made me able to block her. Our eyes met for a moment and she looked surprised as she noticed around me a white glow. My free hand moved gently as I recalled some of my soul energy to summon an ice wall behind me to stop the swords.

Kumiko jumped back, recalling her swords around her. She had a smile, she was enjoying it.

Kumiko was my older sister, the next Clan Master in line of the Baixue Clan. She has always been pretty much the opposite as me. She loved fights, she was the typical crazy woman who would put herself into danger just to taste that adrenaline. This part of her made her always being a beast when in fights, but sometimes too reckless.

"Nice technique, but I am seeing only one sword..." she said "I want to see your full energy."

Sure, if you want me to collapse.

"No, I don't think I will" I smiled gently and she gnashed her teeth.

"You" she pointed her main swords against me "You're not taking me seriously, I am Kumiko, I am going to be the Clan Master of the Baixue Clan, the Clan that serves Eternal Breeze, the Ice Storm Lord, and you shall respect me!"

I sighed for a moment "I am not part of your clan, I am part of the Yuan's manor"

Her eyes looked like they were literally flaming "Do you want to meet your doom, standing next to Jing Yuan as well? Do you know his wife was part of our clan too?!" she asked like those words would make me gasp or anything.


"So you're... You think you can flirt with a married man, right?" she asked with a sadistic smile, making me question what the hell was happening "He's married"

"Wait, no, I am not... I don't want to be with him in that..." I did stop myself for a moment as she looked at me with an annoyed "Not in that sense" I blushed at my own thought "I mean... WHY WOULD YOU CARE?" I exclaimed as the fierce battle for a moment looked like another of those scenes where I feel like I want to hide in a restaurant and eat till I pass out.

"Wo that's definitely not healthy" I whispered at my own thoughts

"I care because..." Kumiko's eyes glowed for a moment as she brought her sword in front of her chest while her swords were shattering in ice fragments that were flying around her aggressively "Jing Yuan doesn't belong to you."

As soon as she said that she disappear from my sight.

"MY LADY" Hue shouted in my head and I tried to look around, following her soulmastery strings, but since she did shatter her swords I couldn't catch easily where was the main string that came from her body.

In a glance, she appeared again in front of me, piercing my calves to make me kneel down for a moment. I opened up my eyes as I saw ice forming on my feet in order to keep me still.

I gnashed my teeth as she smiled aggressively, launching more ice bolts with her swords. She was literally planning to cover me in ice to put me to sleep.

"I have slept enough" For five years I said looking at her as she was laughing

"If you don't take this fight seriously, I might kill you. After all we don't like gifted children who don't know what does it mean to have this type of power." 

The General's Ice Fairy - Jing YuanWhere stories live. Discover now