"Why, thank you" Akairi softly smiled.

"So Akairi may i ask, what precisely were you doing before i arrived" he asks.

"I was just watching tv as always" she answered. "What are some shows you'll recommend for your fans and supporters to watch".

"Hmm that's more like a trick question since I watch bout everything on here" Akairi softly laughed.

"My top 3 shows right now are, the boondocks, big mouth and snowfall, so I'll recommend those" she answered his question.

"Ahh yes, snowfall is very good i just started watching it" Joe agreed.

"This question is probably asked a lot, when is your next album release date" he asks, of course it was this question. Akairi loved her fans to death but in her opinion it's not easy to just write and make music when you love what you do.

"Uhm I haven't decided when but I'm writing some songs right now. Would you like to hear a snippet" Akairi offered. Joe nodded his head as in "yes", she got up showing him her home studio which was a medium sized room. It was originally a guest room but Akairi changed it to a recording studio for whenever she had to work from home.

"So this is where I basically write and record songs like I do at the normal studio. But personally doing songs here are more deep yknow" Akairi say.

"How many songs have you record and write here in total" Joe questions.

"About fifteen songs" she answered truthfully. "Most of the songs were like freestyles or just any songs I've poured my heart out too" Akairi added on.

Akairi reached for her desktop going to the file that was named as "unreleased" searching for a song, clicking onto something random letting it play for the two of them.

Can you blame me? Tell me how God ain't a lady
'Cause I ain't never known a n**** to make shit but a bad bitch crazy (On God) Or make a rich bitch lazy Tell a man you wanted a rose, he come with a daisy (What the fuck?)

"I think you have a hit right here, Akairi" Joe said, she thanked him.

"Now you've collaborated with so many artist throughout your career, how would you describe them in one word"

"Serenity, tall. Travis Scott, braids. Kehlani, bae" she stated, laughing saying the last part.

"If you had one artist to work with who would it be"

"I'll say Drake, just because I really love his music and he's been one of my dream collabs for a while."

"Hopefully he'll see this and reach out to you soon" Joe playfully joked as Akairi laugh. "Fingers crossed" Akairi say holding up her fingers crossing them.

"Since that's done why not explore the rest of the house" Akairi say standing up. They walked back down the hall but into the kitchen.

"What is a feature that's not yours but is one of your favorites"

" I would say, "Int'l Players Anthem", by UGK featuring OutKast."

"Good one, and whats a song would 100% make you cry?"

"Dreaming of You by Selena"

"Nice, but what was the last great movie that you watched"

"Uhmm, The Perfect Find just because that was the last movie i seen and I loved it"

"Freestyle or written verse" Joe asks. Akairi palmed myself, thinking about the question since it was very hard for her to choose.

"It's a 50/50 decision for me but more than likely written verse, I love to write"

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