A Lovely Reunion (CH.40)

Start from the beginning

After this, the only thing he seemed to be able to do was back up a bit, with clear fear from me, and after a little while, he ran all th way behind the other two. In the end, I had misjudged him, as he was clearly dumber than Y/N, but in completely different, and not pleasant, way.

As for the others, Jujun and Chugi, I think, they could only stare with a bit of disbelief, and after a couple of seconds, Y/N could only laugh a bit. I'm not entirely sure what he was thinking, but in the end, he just said. "Right, I should've also told you not to mess with her. She's pretty tough." This gave a couple mixed feelings. On one hand, it felt like something that would normally annoy me, and I would probably say something like 'What do you mean by that?', but at the same time, and I don't really know why, I kind of liked his way of saying it. It sounded like he wasn't making fun of me, but rather praising me, and while I liked it, it also made me a bit flustered.

The feeling went away though, as the other two approached me, and presented himself. "Hi, my name is Jujun. Pleased to meet you." And then bowed at me. I was liking him already, and from the look of it, he wasn't going to say something like the other guy, but after a couple of seconds of bowing down, he turned around confused, and looked at his friend with a disappointed face.

I was slightly confused by this, so I decided to not say anything and just look for now. After one or two more seconds, Jujun straightened up, rolled his eyes, and walked back to his friend while saying. "C'mon, you've gotta at least present yourself." And after a bit of tugging from both sides, Jujun got him close enough to me that he didn't have any other option than to talk.

He was clearly uncomfortable about this, but judging by his previous reactions, I could actually tell that he was simply not good with girls, and the way in which he turned around to look at the others, almost as if trying to see if there was any way of getting out of this, confirmed all of this for me, and even made me chuckle, though I managed to keep it in, because that would probably make him even more self-conscious.

He still took a little while, but once he finally seemed to get enough confidence, he slowly bowed down at me and said. "N-Nice to meet you, m-Mrs. Name is Chugi- I mean, my name is Chugi!" He was clearly embarrassed by his mistake, and this time, I couldn't help letting out a quick laugh.

The look on his face when he realized this though was hilarious, and he even looked as if he was gonna pass out any moment. Before he did that though, I managed to say. "It's alright. My name is Kocho Shinobu. It's a pleasure to meet you." And while he no longer looked as if he was gonna die at any second, he still ran away from me as soon as he got the chance, which I found funny once again.

Now that we were all done with the presentations, Y/N stepped up once more, as he then said. "Alright, now that we all know each other, how about we go together to the Wisteria House? It should be just like ten minutes away at much." I was okay with this, so I nodded, but as I turned around to look at the rest, I realized that they also did.

This wasn't surprising or anything of course, but what actually caught my eye a bit, was their ways of acting. Tero seemed to act confident, but at the same time, I could easily see him still being a bit afraid from what I did, which was good. Jujun was okay, he seemed to be the most stable person on the group, but as for, Chugi, he was also quite scared, and he wasn't trying to hide it himself.

I mostly just rolled my eyes at this, and once we were all on the same page, Y/N told us to follow him, but before we did that, I asked him. "Hey, Y/N? Do you mind if we have a little talk while we are at it?" And while he was doing okay this entire time, since he seemed to forget about his slip up, he suddenly remembered it all, and looked mortified about it.

He probably thought of a way to get out of this, since he didn't answer right away, but at the same time, he seemed to give up about this pretty quick, as he just said to the others. "You guys go ahead. We'll follow you from behind." And while they were either confused or hesitant about this, they nodded, and started walking.

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