Happy Birthday Pt. 2

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The cafe down the block from the University was a little busier compared to its usual quiet atmosphere that Cooper took advantage of when he could. "Hey," he said finding the study group he'd befriended this semester.

They were laughing about something and welcomed him. "You brought your notes right?" The red-headed girl asked.

Pulling the notebook out of his backpack he rolled his eyes, "Of course; detailed and rewritten." He passed it over and told them he was going to get a drink while both classmates opened it to look. He had just passed a few occupied tables when he noticed an all too familiar face; he quickly looked back to make sure if who he saw was real and it caused his heartbeat to pick up. He debated going back to his table but it served no purpose as the hot guy he hooked up with two months prior was so fixated on his phone he didn't even notice Cooper when he walked right by him in the direction of the restrooms.

Part of Cooper seemed bothered while the other part didn't care, but deep down it was already eating away at him as the seconds passed and he bit his lip debating what to do before ultimately, his body worked faster than his mind, and he followed him to the restrooms. When he walked in he saw his past fling looking down at the furthest urinal and noticed another man there as well. Annoyed, he debated using the urinal in between but instead went to the sink to wash his hands and pretend he was getting a stain out of his shirt. The sound of both flushing made him tense up and he silently thanked the disgusting man who left without washing his hands but cursed when the door opened and one of his classmates walked in.

"Oh, what up Cooper." The brunette greeted.

And as soon as he said the first two words, the guy appeared and looked taken aback. Cooper locked eyes with him and suddenly felt like they were the only two people in the bathroom. He didn't know what to say but knew the answer was nothing, so he broke their gaze, leaving the bathroom to go back to his table, and avoided looking up, making up an excuse about changing his mind when his other classmate asked about his drink. He could feel a pair of blue eyes staring at him and couldn't take being in the same room, so after five minutes of nervously bouncing his knee and unable to focus, he packed his stuff in a rush, "I actually just remembered I have something going on."

Both classmates looked at him confused with a hint of concern, the redhead saying something first, "For real?"

He glanced up and didn't see who he was avoiding, but still rushed. "Yeah, but I'll send you my notes when I get home."

"Kind of defeats the whole purpose of studying right now." She was noticeably upset but Cooper couldn't care less; he was the one who was struggling.

"Study around it, bye." He walked out, not looking back, focusing on what was ahead but only passed a couple of stores before he heard someone behind him.

"Hey, wait up!" Cooper tried to walk a little faster but the guy caught up to him, forcing him to stop and nervously look over; they stood there awkwardly looking at each other not knowing what to say until the tall blue-eyed boy broke the ice, "You're back in school?"

Cooper was tense, and it showed in his words. "Uh...yeah, getting my masters."

The guy's face lit up more and he smiled making Cooper want to attack him right there; he never thought he'd see that dimpled smile again. "That's awesome, didn't think I'd see you again."

"Yeah, me either." At first, when Cooper started the semester, he went to the cafe excited to run into him but after a month of wasting his time, he forgot all about it and gave up. "You work around here?"

"At that office," he said pointing down the street to the tall glass building. 

Cooper just nodded, not knowing what to do or say next. "Well, I should get going." He took a few steps but was stopped yet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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