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Next day morning,

Raglak sitting infront of lawyer, ragini (mind) pls laksh i love u so much i can't live without u pls stop this process all i did a mistake because that black mailer pls laksh listen to ur heart and decide ur decision pls

Lak:(mind) why iam feeling sad ,why my heart is not allowing to apply divorce ,why they asking me to listen ragini once  no lak again should not fall for her because she is broked ur heart , pain of ur life u should not trust her again but y my heart want to take her in my arms and console her oh god what iam going to do

Lawyer brought them out of thought , y u both want to get  a divorce
Lak: sir i can't tolerate betrayed in my life
He told everything what happened in their life

Law: what about u ragini

Rag: just looking at laksh don't no what to say

Law: ragini iam asking u y u want divorce

Rag : when there's is no trust ,love then y should continue unwanted relationship sir
She know hereafter laksh will not listen, for laksh happiness she ready to give divorce to him

Law: so u both want a divorce right ok how many month of ur marriage

Lak: sir 1 month completed in our marriage life

Law: what only one month sorry sir u both should complete ur marriage life atleast six month after that only u can get divorce come after six month that time also u want means we can apply ok

This makes lak angry 😡 sir pls do something pls sir I want to get ride of this unwanted marriage life I can't believe trust her again in my life

Rag: sitting silently watching laksh (mind) lást week u told iam ur most precious gift of god in ur life but now ur begging to the lawyer to get divorce

Law: sry sir i can't do anything this  is court rules

Lak went out side in angry,came to his  car and ✊ punched with angry
That time ragini also came to laksh , laksh turn and colied with ragini before she hit on floor he catched her both looking at each other eyes suddenly laksh  got sense he pushed her while she got scratches in her hand

Rag: laksh i want to tell u my side  pls once u listen before she could laksh stop it ragini i don't want here anything from u and listen carefully in this six u should not come infront of me u don't expect me anything from me and family, ur maid to  my house that all while looking at her but ragini standing silently before she could say anything laksh took the  car and  went away from there

Rag: don't no what do to do because laksh want listen her side but laksh
That time black mailer calling her , she got scare and nevers attend the call

Bm:hi ragu baby , how are u oh sry iam feeling bad for u just u went to apply divorce but  so sad no one is going to believe u , if ur going to tell them ur black mailed by someone no one believe u 😀

Rag: why r u doing this to me ,pls leave me  what do u want from me y r u torturing me pls i beg u pls leave me

Bm: oh so sad baby how can I leave u ,ur my only Target to punishment ur own family so be a good girl and do what I am saying 

Rag : pls leave me , pls

Bm: stop it do what I say don't dare to tell anyone about black mail it's a beginning to Maheshwari family  i will destroyed everyone life without mercy like what they did to me and cut the call

Rag: ma u should give me strength to handle the situation and protect laksh family from evil black mailer

Ragini reached Maheshwari house,sujitha came to tell where u went laksh came before u
Go do all house work servant will not help u because it's laksh order , ragini nodded and went kitchen for prepare lunch

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