3. Reincarnation-part 1

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"wei wuxian just received the kick as he opened his eyes.
A voice thundered beside his ears "stop playing dead."
The kick threw him backwards, headfirst onto to ground fighting the urge to vomit a thought formed in his head- That's quite a lot of courage to kick me, The patriarch."

Hearing this wei wuxian froze he was pretty sure he didn't say that out loud.
" my thoughts are out loud??? SHIT THESE GODS WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO DO!!!!!??? PLEASE STOP THIS!!!! PLEASE STOP THIS FUCKING REVELATION"  Wei wuxian didn't wanted anyone to know his thoughts but goddess were not in mood for making changes . Lan wangji although trying to calm wei wuxian but he was curious and also wanted to listen to his thoughts.  Jiang cheng on the other hand just thinking that wei wuxian didn't think of something very embarrassing about .......lan wangji or anything. one person exclaimed "look at him how arrogant he is, he is yilling patriarch after all now we will know how evil his thoughts were."  This brat was none other then sect leader Yao , Lan wangji didn't said anything but use silencing charm on him. Meanwhile  wei ying's parents were relived knowing that their son actually came back but were confused what on the earth had happened.

"it was his first time hearing human voice after so many years, his head swirled and ear buzzed with the echoes of the voices. "whose land are you living on?, whose rice are you eating? whose money are you spending? what's wrong with taking few of your belongings? Everything you own should be mine anyways."

"Aside from this adolescence duck like voice, there were the clunks of ransacking chest and smashing objects as well. A dimly light appeared in his sight followed by slant browed person. "how dare you tell father and mother? Did you really think anybody is going to listen to you?You actually thought I was scared of you?"

Lan qiren brows twitched " impolite behavior, bad speech, not humble, arrogant this child's behavior is very disturbing he needed to be disciplined."  Other were thinking this too . This child is very undisciplined. Lan wangji was furious as he recovered from happiness that he can listen to his thoughts and he remembered this brat kicked his wei ying and also talking rudely with him. " who is this wei ying?"
" well I can't really remember his name but seems like he was cousin of mo xuanyu."
" Mo  ziyuan "  sizhui reminded his father .

" but lan zhan he is already dead" Wei ying said as he sense that his husband was furious.

" A few servents came " young master everything is smashed."

The young master asked"how did you finish this quickly?"

A maidservent said " there's nothing in this shack anyways."

The young master looked quiet pleased as he poked forcefully on wei wuxian's nose " you are to tell on me now look at you playing dead on the ground! for whom? As if anyone actually want this pile of junks! As I have smashed everything let's see how you are going to tell on me again. Are you proud of yourself that you have studied cultivation for few years? well, how does it feel when you kicked back like a stray dog."

" this brat is so rude."  many cultivators said ." good thing he died how dare he talk to our senior wei like that."  jingyi blurted that out lan xichen sent him you-are-in-trouble look. Lan qiren said "copy the rules of 15 times for disrespectful to dead."  jingyi also realize his mistake but didn't regret it.

Wei wuxian thought wearily

I am not pretending to be dead at all since I was really dead for the couple pf years.

who is this?

where am I

when did I do something as immoral as stealing anyone's body?

"you are immoral aren't you ?"  sect leader Yao said lan wangii sent him a death glare while wei wuxian ignored the old monkey.

The young master let out enough anger by kicking the person and wrecking the house, and strutted out with his two man-"watch carefully. Don't let him outside anytime this month or he will make fool of himself again."
As the group went away silence fell upon the room. Wei wuxian thought about getting up. However his limbs failed to uphold themselves so he lay down again he turned on his side and stared dizzily at the strange environment and the jeans of mess on the ground.

A bronze mirror rested on the side probably thrown onto the ground. Wei wuxian grabbed it and looked into the mirror only to see a ghastly place face with two asymmetrical poles of fed on each side of his cheek. Ass a blood fed tongue onto the features and he would look like a hanged ghost he wiped his finding his hand covered with white powder.

Half of the cultivation world gaped at how wei wuxian looked. but they also agreed on his comparison he will indeed look like a hanged ghost.
" look at you, you weren't even bothered" said jin Ling.  " well that makeup was helpful after all."  said wei wuxian. "how?"
asked jin Ling he was curious. " you will see." Wei wuxian replied while grinning.

Fortunately the body wasn't Born this way it was only one of the owners penchant he was no doubt a ksn yet he covered with makeup. how unbearable.
Taken back by the shock some energy came back to him and he finally sat up noticing the circular array beneath him.
"okay I take that back about being bothered."  jingyi said. but others were more focused on array. Juniors were curious.

The array was scarlet in color and crooked in shape appearing to be drawn by hand using bloodbas the medium still damp and emitting a strong scent. The array was filled with warped scribbles of incantations which were somewhat smudged by his body but came across gruesome nonetheless.

After all Wei wuxian was known as the Supreme leader and the grandmaster of demonic cultivation so be was most certainly accustomed to vile looking array such as this one it turns out in fact he didn't seize the body of another he was offered one. It was an ancient forbidding technique compare to an array it resembled a curse more. The case of the array injured themselves by creating incisions on their body and draws the array and write the incantation using their own blood finishing by sitting in the center of the array . they can summon an extremely villainous ghoul and ask for it to complete their wish. The lride to pay was to offer their body to evil spirit with their own soul returning back to earth.
This was a forbidden technique opposite to possessing one's body- offering  one's body

Because of grave sacrifices only few people were brave enough to be put it into effect after all there were hardly any wishes  strong enough for a living person to sacrifice everything. Over thousands of years only 3 or 4 example are recorded. Without exception all wishes were same- revenge.

Juniors were thinking of making notes as wei wuxian's thought were helpful for their cultivation but too bad there weren't any papers. Many cultivators were thinking what was mo xuanyu  wish .


Author's notes

well I was ill so didn't update for last Sunday but here you go.

characters reacting to MDZS [ On hold]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz