PART 1 :

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Those are titles that are always echoed about Yoichi. The greatest warlord of all time, conqueror of seas of armies, ruler of the world's fleets.

Oh mighty Isagi Yoichi-

fell limp like a doll, when the tyrant fooled the king.

All to replace his mother who was taken as a prostitute to the opposing kingdom.

But Isagi Yoichi didn't know how cruel the ruler was, he thought he was strong, but the tyrant just laughed at his cruelty.

Poor stray cat.

Their encounter is a cliché, the ruler walking around the mass of prostitutes who are brought in with chains on their hands and feet.

Yoichi is one of the crowd.

The general humbled herself to be a royal concubine- she fell face down with eyes fixed on him whose face was raised haughtily upwards.

Great, Kaiser likes that.

A feral cat that heeds every seduction is far more challenging than a domestic cat that is resigned to being treated with all its might.

Kaiser's shoe touched Yoichi's chin, making him look up, challenging Yoichi to let out every curse that was stored in his throat.

Oh Kaiser of course knows clearly who is in front of him, how beautiful Isagi Yoichi's game is on the battlefield. He licked his lips as the news that the holy knight had become a prisoner of war reached his ears. His adrenaline raced like someone who had lost his sanity, he laughed so hard he coughed and spit out his stomach, oh how gratifying- the genius was now in his hands.

Kaiser promised to destroy the damn punk.

Kaiser suppressed his maniacal smile when he saw Yoichi's face that stood out so much among the women who were brought into his room-

"Say your name." Kaiser's orders.

BLUE LOCK : THE EMPEROR FAVORITE.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora